King's Business - 1967-03

(Continued from page 31) among men” (p. 383). To them Christ acted in the body of Jesus. (This differentiation between the Christ and Jesus is an old heresy which appeared in the first century of church history.) They also claim that at the time of the crucifixion the great sun spirit, Christ, was lib­ erated from the physical vehicle of Jesus. Rosicrucians do not believe that the blood of Christ cleanses us from sin; we are saved by our own efforts. S alvation Over and over again we read in their writings that we must win freedom by purging ourselves from everything that may react undesir­ ably or destructively on ourselves. The substitutionary atonement of Christ is denied and treated as an invention of the “ Council of Nicea” (The Secret Schools, p. 18). “ Man, through his own individual and con­ sciously-made efforts, must attain spiritual enlightenment and ultimate immortality” (op. cit. p. 19). The motto of the Rosicrucians is “TRY.” One is not saved “by another’s in­ tervention or substitution, but by overcoming all evil within himself through the feelings of love, mercy, kindness, graciousness, adora tion , reverence, and helpfulness” ( The Living Christ, p. 13). Every man possesses an incorruptible seed, a di­ vine spark, a Christos. This Christos must be awakened and brought into consciousness — it is the Christ, the immortal part of man (op. cit. p. 40). S in , P rayer , and R eincarnation They designate sin as “whatever is harmful either to body or mind” and must be avoided (The Secret Schools, p. 21). The Rosicrucians also teach that celestial spirits may be invoked. The celestial spirits are hierarchies of the invisible brotherhood o f the fraternity. (The Secret Schools, p. 10 ) . The doctrine of reincarnation is taught by all Rosicrucians. Because of man’s foolishness and the necessi­ ty to gain experience, it is necessary to be reincarnated several times be­ fore we shall be able to come into our own heritage (The Priesthood of Aeth, p. 8). We also read that it is possible to develop to the point where the soul will emit a peculiar light, discernible across the gulfs of space by intellectual powers (op. cit. p. 10). We are also informed that the (Continued on page 39)

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