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book reviews
by Arnold D. Ehlert, Librarian, Biola College
A Guide To Modern Versions of The New Testament by Herbert Dennett Most Christians have wondered (and been oft-times confused) about the many different New Testament versions and translations which are now available. Unless the individ ual is a Bible scholar, knowing the original languages and some of the aspects of textual criticism, gener ally he will be lost in the maze of available publications today. What is quite surprising is the fact that there are at least forty such issues now on the market. The author shows the difference between ver sions literal, paraphrased, simplified, and amplified, as well as those which carry a specific doctrinal bias. Five main types are presented so that the layman can understand what it is that the authors were attempting to do in their respective works. The recommendation to which he finally comes is that a literal version, which includes modem speech and adheres closely to the grammar of the origi nal, would be preferable. He points out that these other books should be used for comparative study. — 142 upages; cloth; Moody Press, Chica- pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $2.95. If I Perish . . . I Perish by Ian Thomas Every Bible student will recall this title as the words of Queen Esther when, under the leading of the Lord, she was the human instru ment used to deliver Israel from destruction at the hands of its ene mies. The author, who is the leader of the Torchbearers Fellowsh ip , Capemwray Hall, England, points out various facets of the Christian life as seen in this beautiful book of the Old Testament. The message of “ the victorious life” underlines the treatise as the experience of Esther are carefully recounted. Some new ideas are frequently injected which show the meaning of true Christian commitment and disciple- ship in the days in which we pres ently live. — 126 pages; cloth; Zon dervan Pub lish in g House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50.
From Life To Life Through Christ by Robert G. Lee
One of America’s most outstand ing Christian orators deals with a number of important topics includ ing the ministry to the Jew, mission ary service, and dedication. Although nearing his ninetieth year, this faithful and stalwart servant of the cross has had a tremendous impact upon churches and con feren ces across the United States. His new book of recent sermons will be a blessing to all who share its pages. 120 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub lishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. Simple Sermons An outstanding Southern preacher who has been greatly used of the Lord in Bible con fe ren ce s and churches th roughou t the United States writes the twenty-second in his popular series of sermons. He discusses such subjects as “ The Sweetest Verse in the Bible,” “ Dis torted Christians,” “The Sin of Lukewarmness,” “ The Biggest Fools in the World” and others. His sim plicity and straight-forwardness are refreshing and challenging to the reader. 127 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50. The author, with the assistance of Phyllis Murphy, presents stories from the many thousands of ne glected and miserable young people who learn the ways of crime and vio lence early in their lives. They have known nothing else in the lonely tenement districts of our large cities. Having pioneered the work of “ Teen Challenge,” Mr. Wilkerson gives some interesting examples of those who have been reached for Christ in the “ sidewalk ju n g le s ” of New York.—159 pages, cloth, Fleming H. Revell Company, Westwood, N.J.; $2.95. For Sunday Mornings by W. Herschel Ford The Little People by David Wilkerson
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