King's Business - 1967-03

Cults and sects make demands upon public officials in the name of their religious beliefs and the public official often bows to their demands. The true believers in Christ are never heard. The Lord Jesus Christ exercised great cour­ age, fearlessly—at the risk of His life—speaking of right and wrong and showing each for what they were. On a cross for you and me He gave His human life and now sits at the right hand of God waiting for His day to come. But we are weak and spineless, not stepping forward to show others the way of the Lord of lords. Maybe you do not want to get “ in­ volved” but, my friend, just by your lack of action already you ARE involved! Churches spend millions of dol­ lars yearly in the foreign mission field to bring the word of “That Blessed Hope” to the savages of darkened jungles. Now this is a very necessary wo rk of the church and should be carried on. Some of these very churches, on the other hand, spend and do nothing, in the great mission field starving and crying loud for them right in their own home town. Nothing is heard. No mes­ sage is taken to these needy “ neighbors.” Regardless of how large or small your community may be, there is a work of the Lord waiting to be done. The challenge is so great that it stag­ gers the imagination. We cannot complain and wallow in our own sorrow about the terrible decay of our society today unless we who want to be soldiers of Jesus Christ are willing to bring a voice from the wilderness into the “ as­ phalt jungles” of today and let them know that our Christ is the way, and the only way. We can sit back and applaud the great works of the evangelists of our time and rejoice that they are trying to stir up a nation of lost souls and bring them to the Lord. There are many things that as a believer you can do but one thing you cannot do : be proud of your own apathy. MARCH, 1967

"CRUCIF Rev. Richard DeHaan Teacher Radio Bible Class

my attention. The thought came that perhaps this boy had coined a new word that should be in the vocabulary and walk of every child of God. Surely the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ should be a FIXATION for all of us who have accepted the free gift of salvation ! Truly, ‘out of the mouths of babes’ our Lord has or­ dained praise!” As I meditated on her letter I thought : the great Apostle certain­ ly had such a FIXATION, for he would not glory in his own learning, position, or genealogy (though “ a Hebrew of the Hebrews” ), but rather in the “ cross of our Lord Jesus Christ!” We pray that this retarded but Spirit-enlightened boy may indeed be “ a missionary” by our having passed on to you his one-word mes­ sage c o n c e r n i n g “ cruciFIXA- TION” ! THOT: When a man comes face to face with the risen Christ of Calvary, he is literally at the CROSS-road of Heaven and Hell.

R e c e n t l y there came to my desk a touching letter from a fine Christian woman who is a librarian at an institution for the mentally retarded. She commented that they had “ children” there “ up to sixty years of age!” One boy, who is a believer, constantly witnesses to the others who occupy his cottage — even though he often is ridiculed for his efforts. After much hard work he has finally learned to read and tell simple Bible stories, and is frequently asked to do this at chap­ el services which are conducted regularly for the residents. The one who writes the letter says of the eighteen - year - old retarded one: “He is a very spiritual boy who longs to be a missionary.” Some months ago th is same young man was given a part in a little dramatization that had to do with the resurrection story. “ In some notes he had copied in con­ nection with his part in the pag­ eant,” says my informant, “ I saw that he had inadvertently changed ‘crucifixion’ to read ‘crucifixation.’ This curious misspelling captured

The above selected from the daily devotional guide, OUR DAILY BREAD, os written by Richard DeHaan, Henry Bosch, and the late Dr. M. R. DeHaan, is published monthly by RADIO BIBLE CLASS. OUR DAILY BREAD presents interesting meditations, poems, and a thought for every day of the month. Your copy is waiting for you— FREE and POSTPAID— and is yours just for the asking.

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