King's Business - 1967-03


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ W h e r e a r e t h e V o l u n t e e r s ? By Arnold Pearson OINCE GOING TO British Hondu- ^ ras, I have been concerned with the need for missionaries to help us reap the harvest of souls in that Central American coun­ try. After our mission society took over the field in 1961, we were the only Baptist missionary family there until 1964, when the N. T. Dellingers came to help us. British Honduras is a small coun­ try, but the Roman Catholics think enough o f it to have placed 120 nuns and 30 priests to work there. English Baptists started in British Honduras 143 years ago, 29 years before there was a single Catholic church, priest or nun, and yet today the Roman church claims 60% of the population! English Baptists had other prob­ lems, but apparently one of them was a lack of personnel. This con­ tinues to be the main problem in our field. Whi le on deputation, I fre­ quently' speak of the need for missionary recruits, and I am sure most of our missionaries do the same. I have found that al­ though many of our young people are interested in missions, not many of them are actually apply­ ing for service and being sent out by our boards. I asked our own mission societies and nine well- known int erdenomina t iona l boards if there has been a decline over the past twenty years in the number o f applicants. Four ad­ mitted a slight decline; one had a serious decline; one said it had a great increase, and the others in­ dicated that they were maintain­ ing about the same level. We have read and heard so much about the world population THE KING'S BUSINESS

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