explosion that it is obvious that it’s not enough for the mission aries to hold our own, much less to have a decline. In an attempt to find out some of the attitudes of our own youth toward the prob lem, I gave a questionnaire to 339 high school and college age young people in several of our Baptist churches. I hoped that it would not only help us mission aries to analyze the situation, but also would aid the young people to see their own strengths or weaknesses regarding missions. Here are the results, with my comments : 1. ABOUT HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU RECE I VED CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOUR? Av erage, 9 years; 2. ABOUT HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU BEEN SAVED ? Average, 8 years; 3. ABOUT HOW MANY MISSION ARY S PEAKER S HAVE YOU HEARD? Most of them said they had heard very many, up into the hundreds. 4. ABOUT HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU HEARD YOUR PASTOR SPEAK ON MISSIONS? Very often. The figures were gener ally lower, however, indicating that probably many pastors feel that their visiting missionaries can best appeal to the people. 5. DO YOU THINK THERE ARE ENOUGH MISSIONARIES OVERSEAS? No —333, Yes—6. Apparently our young people are impressed with the need. 6. DO YOU THINK THERE ARE ENOUGH M I S S IONAR I E S IN HOME MISSIONS? No—305, Yes —18, Undecided—17. 7. WHAT DO YOU THINK ARE THE REASONS WE DON’T HAVE ENOUGH MIS SIONARIES? This question antici pated the answer to the two previous ones to be “ no.” Space was provided for three reasons, and most of the young people gave more than one— 98— “Materialism” Afraid to sacri fice, leave the comforts of the U.S.; 91 — “Unwillingness” They “ just don’t want to be missionaries” ; 76 — “Undedicated” Not living close enough to the Lord; 64 — “Don’t care” Just plain disinterested. These were the four biggest rea sons. The young people gave 72 dif ferent reasons altogether, with the next ten highest as follows: 29— “ finances” ; 27;—“ lack of encourage ment” ; 26— “hardships on the field” ; 25—“ lack of a call” ; 23—“ unquali fied” ; 20—other job interests” ; 19 —“no burden for the lost” ; 18— “ fear” ; 17—“ lack of faith” ; 13— “ lack of prayer.”
AFRICA IN LAN D M ISSION Founded in 1895 by Peter Cameron Scott Six hundred missionaries occupying five fields — Kenya, Republic o f Congo, Uganda, Central A frica Republic, and Tanzania. Information and literature sent upon request 253 Henry Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201 Member I.F.M.A. AIR MAIL FROM GOD MISSION, INC. Founded 1949 by Nyles Huffman Active in : Mexico, Central America, Brazil • Dropping Gospels o f John from airplanes • Light of Life Bible Corres. Courses o Gospel Films shown by National Evan gelists • Follow up Bible Study Groups. Los Angeles, California 90029 AM ER ICAN M ESSIAN IC FELLOWSHIP Founded as the Chicago Hebrew Mission in 1887 by Wm. E . Blackstone Reaching the Jews of America and the State of Israel with the Gospel message. Daily radio broadcasts into the State o f Israel. Write for tracts and descriptive literature. REV. ARCHIE A. MacKINNEY, SUPT. 7448 N. Damen Avenue, Chicago 45, Illinois AM ER ICAN M ISSION TO GREEKS, Inc. Spiros Zodhiates, President In U .S.A .: Coast-to-Coast Broadcasts; In Greece: Publishing House, Printshop, Book stores, Missionaries, Bible Institute, Orphan ages, Camps; Clothing, Food, Medical Dis tributions; Paid Gospel Messages in Greek Newspapers and Magazines. INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 801 Broad Ave., Ridgefield, N.J. 07657 Celebrating Sesquicentennial of Service American Sunday-School Union Pioneering American Missions Through Sun day Schools since 1817. “ Teaching The Un changing Word” in rural and urban areas of the nation. Write for a copy o f : “ THE SUNDAY SCHOOL M ISSIONARY” to: AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION 1816 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 American Tract Society, inc. Instituted 1825 One of America’s oldest missionary organi zations actively promoting leaflet evangelism by publishing the best in Scripture tracts. For samples please write to : Stephen E. Slocum, Jr., Executive Secretary AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY Oradell, New Jersey THE ANDES EVANGELICAL MISSION Formerly the Bolivian Indian Mission, founded in 1907 our ministry includes In dian and Spanish Bible Institutes, Youth Centers, University work, Literature, Radio, Leprosarium, Book Stores, Airplane and Launch Evangelism. W rite for The Andean Outlook, published quarterly. 508 Central Avenue, Plainfield. New Jersey 1250 No. Cypress, La Habra, California 90631 BEREAN MISSION, INC. 3536 Russell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 63014 Organized 1937 • Member I.F.M A • 9 Fields LABORING: in the Democratic Republic of Congo; Tanzania; Morocco; Philippines; Ecuador, S.A.; Barbados; Grenada; Navajo- land; and among Cuban refugees in Miami. PUBLISHING: Missiongrams, official bi monthly magazine presenting news and ac tivities on various fields, sent upon request. BIBLE CHRISTIAN UNION Over 100 missionaries serving in Western Europe. Others serving in North America among Jews, children and French Cana dians. Member mission I.F.M.A. WRITE FOR INFORMATION AND MAGAZINE. Opportunities for service at home and abroad. 1101 E. 35th St., Brooklyn, New York 11210
BIBLE CLUB MOVEMENT, INC. 237 Fairfield Ave. Upper Darby, Pa. 19082 A Bible teaching: ministry, both home and foreign, among children, young people, and adults. 180 missionaries, plus volunteer work ers conduct weekly Bible Clubs, training sessions, camps, V.B.S. Emphasis on mem orization and consecutive Bible study. Write for information and literature. BIBLE MEDITATION LEAGUE, Inc. P.O. Box 477-KB Columbus, Ohio 43216 A vibrant, 44-year-old agency providing free, attractive Christian literature to mission aries in 121 nations, including scriptures, tracts, and booklets. Write for information and free monthly magazine. BIBLICAL M ISSIONS 69 missionaries; 14 countries; 33 years of Biblical evangelism, leadership training and medical missions —- workers needed. Write for literature and sample copy of missionary magazine: The Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions 246 West Walnut Lane, Philadelphia, Penna. Using the literary method of carrying the Gospel to the Jews world-wide. Distributes 7 volumes o f the “ Messianic Series,” written by Dr. D. L. Cooper to Jewish leaders and professional men, and single volume, “ Shep herd o f Israel,” to as many Jews as the Lord provides. W e solicit addresses o f Jews. Publication, “ Biblical Research Monthly,” free on request. Canadian Sunday School Mission Directing Canadian youth heavenward since 1927 through camps, V.B.S., day school classes, home Bible clubs, children’s Gospel campaigns., Bible memory contests and cor respondence courses, Sunday schools, serv ices, etc. Write for descriptive folder. W. G. L. McAllister, General Superintendent Head Office, Room A, 177 Lombard Avenue Winnipeg 2, Manitoba THE CENTRAL AM ER ICAN M ISSION Founded by Dr. Scofield in 1890 Pray for the 700 CAM congregations and hundreds o f national and missionary lead ers in “ our Samaria.” Help us present the best in radio, literature, and Spirit-led evangelism to educated youth and multitudes everywhere. P.O. Box 28005 Dallas, Texas 75228 CHRISTIAN JAIL WORKERS, INC. P.O. Box 5, Los Angeles, California 90051 A Christ-centered, non-profit, ministry to 10,000 adult prisoners, 3,000 juvenile offen ders in 35 institutions. It is the recognized Protestant Chaplaincy for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s and Probation Departments. Also a Halfway House for women and a full time Chaplain ministering in the homes of prisoners. CBFMS is a fundamental mission with almost 470 missionaries in 19 countries. • Biblically sound . . . thoroughly evangeli cal . . . related to churches . . . committed to faith principle o f support . . . business like in method. • For further information write : Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society P.O. Box 5 Wheaton, Illinois BIBLICAL RESEARCH SOCIETY 4005 Verdugo Road Los Angeles, Calif. 90065
Sending missionaries throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, British Honduras, Honduras, Panama, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Special opportunities for short term mis sionaries in campus and inner city work. For literature and information write to: Dr. Rufus Jones, Box 828/ Wheaton, III. 60187
MARCH, 1967
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