FEEL YOU ARE CALLED? (OR HAVE BEEN SINCE THEN) ? No —-86, yes—75, unanswered—178. Al most one-fourth of all those ques tioned still feel a call to missionary service! 19. WHICH OF THE FOL LOWING DO YOU THINK A CALL CONSISTS OF? THE COMMAND OF CHRIST TO “GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD.” 34—no, 2 5 7 - yes, 48—undecided; THE NEED OF THE HEATHEN FOR SALVA TION. 41—no, 222—yes, 76—unde cided; T H E ST I LL S M A L L VOICE OF GOD SPEAKING TO YOU. 40—no, 223—yes, 76—unde cided; A VISION OR DREAM WITH CHRIST SHOWING YOU THE PAGAN LANDS. 148—no, 87 — yes, 108 — undecided. HAVING UNUSUAL TALENT S WHICH WOULD MAKE YOU A GOOD MISSIONARY. 156—no, 100—yes, 83—undecided; A BURDEN FOR THE LOST. 33—no, 250 yes, 56— undecided; A SERIES OF IMPRES SIONS FROM GOD THAT LEADS TO A DEFINITE CONVICTION, CONFIRMED BY GOD’S PLAC ING YOU ON THE FIELD. (From H. R. Glover’s book, The Biblical Basis for Missions.) 27—no, 240— yes, 72—undecided; READING A SCR I PTURE VERSE THAT SPEAKS ESPECIALLY TO YOUR HEART CONCERNING MIS SIONS. 42—no, 180—yes, 117—un decided. The young people seemed to understand pretty well that a call could consist of any one or a com bination of these reasons, but decid ed that “ d” and “ E” were unlikely. There is some, but not too much, confusion on what is a call. 20. IF YOU INDICATED YOUR WILL INGNESS TO BE A MISSIONARY, HAVE YOU DONE THESE THINGS IN ORDER TO FOLLOW THROUGH, IN CASE THE LORD WANTS YOU TO GO AHEAD AND BE A MISSIONARY? EN ROLLED IN A BIBLE SCHOOL OR BIBLE COLLEGE. 176—no, 66 —yes, 97 — unanswered. (Severa l high-schoolers indicated that they intended to enroll after graduation.) TALKED TO A MISSIONARY OR YOUR PASTOR ABOUT IT. 1 5 8 - no. 84—yes, 97 unanswered; READ MISSIONARY B IOGRAPH I ES , PRAYER LETTERS, AND OTHER (Continued on page 45) “ Would that this Book were in every language .” M a r t i n L u t h e r WYCLIFFE BIBLE TRANSLATORS, Inc. P.O. Box 1960 Santa Ana, California 92702
POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE International Headquarters 49 Honeck St., Englewood, New Jersey 07631 An aggressive missionary movement which combines mass evangelism using modern techniques and large scale Scripture distri bution. Currently conducting intensive cam paigns in Brazil. Viet Nam, Japan, Spain and France. THE SCOTT M ISSION A faith work, ministering to the poor with material help, and spiritual sus tenance. Rev. A. Zeidman, M.Tti., Director SOUTH AMERICA INDIAN MISSION P.O. Box 769, Lake Worth, Florida 33460 O bjective : T o reach the wild, tribal, primi tive and mixed-blood peoples with God’s message of Redemption. W rite for free copy of “ Amazon Valley Indian“ containing accounts o f God’s mar velous dealings with these people. BOLIVIA BRAZIL COLOMBIA PERU SPANISH WORLD GOSPEL BROADCASTING, INC. Box 335, Winona Lake, Indiana 46590 Multiply your missionary efforts. Proclaim the Gospel by Christian literature and mis sionary radio broadcasts to the Spanish speaking world, now while the door is open and the people respond to the message. We are receiving hundreds o f written testimonies of conversions and requests for the Word of God. SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION A n evangelical partnership o f God’s people, devoted to the preaching of the gospel and the establishment o f the church. Fields : Liberia, Ghana, Dahomey, Upper Volta, Niger, Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Aden, Lebanon. D r . R aymond J. D avis , General Director 164 W . 74th Street, New York, N .Y . 10023 or — 406 Huron Street, Toronto 6, Canada FOR THESE TIMES In the Chad Republic . . . development ajid change . . . but they still need Christ. How can they get to know? Only through dedi cated Christians. Some to go, others to pray and give. If you are interested you qualify. Please write. Sudan UNITED Mission 5537 N. Glenwood Ave., Chicago, III. 60640 189 High Park Ave., Toronto 9, Ont., Canada THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE MISSION (TEAM) MORE TH AN 850 MISSIONARIES assigned to 20 countries around the world. Send for sample copies of TEAM literature and The Missionary Broadcaster. P.O. Box 969 Wheaton, III. 60187 UNEVANGELIZED FIELDS M ISSION A t work in jungles and cities w ith every means possible that we might win some. France, Latin America, Egypt, Congo, New Guinea, Quebec Quarterly Magazine LIFELINE 806' Bala Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd, Pa. 19004 132 Crescent Road, Toronto 5, Ontario UNITED IND IAN M ISSIONS, INC. For information about the Indian fields of Canada, the United States, and Mexico, write to— Dr. David H. Clark Box U Flagstaff, Arizona 502 Spadina Avenue Toronto 4, Ontario
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MARCH, 1967
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