King's Business - 1967-03

(Continued from page 43) MISSIONARY LITERATURE. 8 9 - no, 158—yes, 97—unanswe r ed ; WRITTEN TO A MISSIONARY OR HIS WIFE OR HIS CHIL­ DREN. 200—no, 44—yes, 95—un­ answered; STUDIED A LIST OF QUALIFICATIONS FROM A MIS­ SION SOCIETY. 182—no, 58—yes, 99—unanswe r ed ; PRAYED AND ASKED GOD FOR HIS WILL. 31 — no, 218 — yes, 90 — unanswered; THOUGHT ABOUT IT QUITE A BIT. 77—no, 164—yes, 98—unan­ swered; TRIED TO YIELD YOUR­ SELF COMPLETELY TO THE LORD SO YOU WILL BE READY TO DO HIS WILL ALWAYS. 4 8 - no, 193—yes, 98—unanswered. I believe if a person is willing to become a missionary, as three- fourths of these young people are, he should make some definite preparation to be one, even if he is not at all sure that God wants him as such. Too many sit and wait for God to propel them toward the field, without “ putting out the fleece.” Jim Eliot said, “What young people need today is not so much a call to the mis­ sion field, but a ki ck in the pants.” Every young Christian would profit by at least a year in Bible school, even if he has no in­ tention of going to a mission field, or is unsure o f the Lord’s leading. If those questioned are typical, it seems that the great majority of our youth know the need, are willing to go if it is God’s will, and a good share of them have felt a call and are doing some­ thing in the way o f preparation. Then why are we getting only a handful of candidates? Has the call been taken too lightly, and the preparation not been serious? Has a lack of dedication and the lure of ma t e r i a l advantages turned them aside? Has the wrong training, sickness, or a poor marriage caused the door to close? I believe the Lord Jesus gave us the key to the problem when He said, “ Pray ye therefore the Lord of the Harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His har­ vest.” Did He say, “Pray that He (Continued on page 46)

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