King's Business - 1967-03

(Continued from page 45) will bless the missionaries already on the field?” No, although this is a good prayer. He told us to pray for additional laborers! I take this to mean that we ought to be praying daily that God will send out the young people of our churches, including our own sons, daughters, and grand-children! And young people should pray that God will send themselves out. But how do we know if it His will? We don’t, but we can still pray this way, saying, “ If it be Thy will.” Although it isn’t His will that all go, it must be His will that far more go than are ac­ tually going at the present time! Too many Christian young people and their parents think that a life’s vocation should be chosen according to a young per­ son’s natural abilities, inclina­ tions, or desires, and forget that God may have an entirely differ­ ent plan for them. To be Scrip­ tural, we must pray that God will send them forth as laborers in the fields o f the world, and if it is not His will, I am convinced that He will clearly show them what to do in the homeland. Must we limit ourselves to young people? Why not pray that God will call out some in their thirties and forties, who have ex­ perience and maturity already, and are still able to adapt and learn? When the Lord called for laborers, He placed no emphasis on youth. Naturally, most of our recruits will come from the ranks of the young. Let us pray them out, and. include the not-so-young as well. When we commit ourselves to this specific kind of praying for missionaries, I believe that we are going to get the harvest-hands we so badly need. The weaknesses and obstacles indicated by the young people in this survey will be overcome and we will rejoice as we see increasing numbers of volunteers stepping f o r t h for service. Arnold Pearson is serving his third term in British Honduras under CBHMS.

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