King's Business - 1967-03

Rev. C. Chester Larson, Western Di­ rector of the Christian Education

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Extension Depart­ ment of Scripture Press, Wheaton, 11- l i n o i s , has an ­ nounced the 1967 Leadership Train­ ing Institutes, to be held on the Biola College Cam­ pus in La Mirada, C a lifo r n ia . On

DAY OF RESURRECTION Leslie B. Flynn. Eight meditations on the Easter-Day appear­ ances of the risen Christ and their meaning for today. The author dramatizes the reactions of Peter, Mary Magdalene, and others to provide inspiring reading. $2.00 THE CYCLE OF PRAYER Ralph A. Herring. This creative new approach to the study of prayer is an excellent devotional or gift book. It probes deep truths, using a combination of line drawings and text to state them clearly and simply. $2.50 THE OTHER DIMENSION Ralph L. Murray. Nine meditations on the Lord's Prayer offer stimulating interpretation for today's needs. Interesting ex­ cerpts from poetry, hymns, etc., help show prayer's impor­ tance in each Christian's life. $2.00 GOD AND HUMAN SUFFERING

Rev. Larson Monday even ings March 6 through April 10 a special Vacation Bible School Workshop will be conducted. The dates of the Fall Institute will run October 2 through November 9. Special courses pre­ pared by ETTA along with addition­ al materials will be offered at the sessions running 7:30-9:30 p.m. More than 150,000 recordings were pressed in 1966 by Singcord Corpo­ ration, producers of Zondervan rec­ ords. Among these, 24 new records were released, several of which made the Best-Seller lists: Yuletide Favorites— Herman Voss Dean Brown and the Caravan Sing­ ers Sing Along With Marcy (a chil­ dren’s record) Doyle Blackwood and the Memphians The Best Songs of Helen Barth Metropolitan Choir of Praise Aunt Theresa —Stories for Children Down by the Riverside— Jimmie McDonald With each passing year, Zondervan has succeeded in adding solid record releases to its ever-growing list. The records of George Beverly Shea and the Sixteen Singing Men continue to find ready and wide response among music lovers everywhere. In addition, such established favorites as Jack Holcomb, John Peterson and Harold De Cou are thrilling old friends and making new friends wherever good Gospel music is appreciated. Dr. Clyde W. Taylor, General Direc­ tor for the National Association of Evangelicals, has announced the res­ ignation of the organization’s execu­ tive director, Dr. Arthur M. Climenhaga. Returning to service with his de­ nomination, the Brethren in Christ Church, Dr. Climenhaga will assume a major administrative position. A date for termination of his respon­ sibilities with the N.A.E. was not given. Dr. George Cowan, President of Wyc- liflfe Bible Translators, Inc., has re­ turned to International Headquar- THE KING'S BUSINESS

James D. Bryden. A pastor and layman ex­ plore the problem of human suffering in an exchange of letters discussing the causes of suffering and God's relationship to ad­ versity. *95 HIS GOOD AND PERFECT WILL

Newman R. McLarry. An interpretation of God's will in re­ lation to evil and suffering. The author describes the con­ stant conflict between the wills of Satan, man, and God, then aives practical steps toward determining and doing God's will. 91.25 THIS WAY TO THE CROSS

C. A. Roberts. Examines five philoso­ phies of life whose combined end result was the crucifixion of Christ. Since these "ways of life" are still prevalent it makes the crucifixion contemporary— and all of us both spectators and participants. $1.95 SEVEN FIRST WORDS OF JESUS J. Winston Pearce. An interpretation of Jesus' sense of destiny for himself and others, taken from seven of his first state­ ments about himself. The statements reveal his awareness of a God-given destiny and his confidence in the ultimate victory of good over evil. $2.75


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