ters in Santa Ana, California, after six months of travel in England, Germany, Switzerland and West Africa. In addition to his mission of viewing the work of the organiza tion in these countries, Dr. Cowan also planned the itinerary for Wyc- liffe missionary-translator Rachel Saint and two converted Auca Indians. He was present with them in Berlin for the World Congress on Evangelism. According to Dr. Burton Bascom, assis tant registrar, the dates for three 1967 sessions of the Summer Insti tute of Linguistics (SIL) have been announced. The program will be off ered at the Universities of North Dakota, Oklahoma and Washington. In co-operation with the Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc., the Summer Institute of Linguistics serves nu merous mission boards. Courses offered by the Summer Institute of Linguistics are designed to instruct students in the general principles basic to all languages. The courses are intended especially for those who are preparing to serve pre-literate people, to do some spe cific linguistic task such as Bible translation, or to study languages for which written linguistic materi als are inadequate. Seven months and a third of a mil lion dollars produced the completed 46-bed Alliance Convalescent Hospi tal in Glendale, California. It was opened in November and dedicated officially in December. Part of the four-fold complex called Glendale Alliance Center, the new hospital represents years of planning, pray ing and giving on the part of the C&MA, according to Rev. W. Guy McGarvey, General Administrator of the Center, which covers five acres adjacent to Glendale Boulevard.
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E A S T E R N E U R O P E A N M I S S I O N (founded in 1927) 35 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, Calif. 91101 or P. 0. Box 65, Station A, Vancouver 1, B.C. _________ Rev. Paul B. Peterson, President • Dr. Vaughn Shoemaker, Treasurer Special on . . . THE NEW SCOFIELD BIBLE Now, after so long a time of anxiously awaiting the results of the ten years of inten sive editorial work on T H E N E W SC O F IE L D REFEREN C E BIBLE, your copy will be available on April 13th at T H E B IO L A BO O K RO OM , 5 6 0 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California 9 0 0 1 7 at a V E R Y S P E C IA L introductory price! Call 625-1641 or write and reserve your copy today — N O W !
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Dignitaries gathered in front of the main entrance to the new Alliance Convalescent Hospital on the day of dedication. Left to right are Mayor William Peters of Glendale; Rev. Bernard S. King, Chris tian and Missionary Alliance Treasurer,- Milton Quigg, Assistant Treasurer; Rev. L. W. Pippert, Home Secretary; Dr. Nathan Bailey, President; Rev. Cyril H. Steinmann, South Pacific District Superintendent; Rev. Wilbur Nelson, soloist; Rev. William F. Smalley; Miss Junette Johnson, Hospital Administrator; and Rev. Louis King. MARCH, 1967
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