King's Business - 1967-03

"Sufferthelittlechildren tocomeuntome’. THE CH ILD ’S STORY Bl B L E .. .th e book which has perhaps introduced more children to the B ible than any other book in p r in t . . . now, in a completely new edition . . . more beau tifu l, more easily read than ever. This classic summary of the en tire Bible in story form has been en tirely revised by the daugh ter of the author. Retained is the fresh, vivid style, the reverent sp irit and fa ith fu lness to the Word of God . . . hallmarks of the CH ILD ’S STORY BIBLE for over 3 0 years. Added are over 50 original paintings—all coordinated with the text, maps keyed to the pictures, double column pages with clear print", ih o rt lines. All in a handsome but virtua lly indestructib le binding. For children ages 7 -1 2 ...a g ift tha t needs no occasion.

THE CHILD’S STORY BIBLE by Catherine F. Vos Revised by Marianne Vos Radius Illustrations by Betty Beeby

CLOTH BOUND $ 6 . 5 0

WM. B. EERDMANS PUBLISHING CO. Grand Rapids, Michigan

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