The LawCareers.Net Handbook 2023

Name: Chloe Gibson Firm: Mills & Reeve LLP Location: Cambridge University: University of Cambridge Degree: Law Pronouns: She/her

With the real estate sector contributing to nearly 40% of global carbon dioxide emissions, Chloe concludes that “it’s certainly a sector that’s going to be under pressure to deliver on results as we head towards the 2050 targets for carbon net zero”. Willingness to learn As demonstrated by Chloe’s rationale for choosing this career, self-awareness is a skill she’s honed and would advise others to do the same. “You should have the ability to reflect on your experiences and identify the gaps in your knowledge. I do this on a rolling basis by seeking opportunities that’ll help broaden my skill set.” Demonstrating initiative and taking responsibility for your career development is something she recommends to all aspiring lawyers. What else does Chloe advise for students interested in a legal career? Inquisitiveness and a willingness to learn is at the top of her list. “Asking questions and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is important at any stage of your career. On your training contract, try to keep an open mind as you may end up pleasantly surprised by a practice area you didn’t think you’d enjoy – you’ll learn so many transferable skills that’ll be relevant to wherever you qualify into.” Chloe’s final piece of advice comes from her experience training at Mills & Reeve. “During my real estate seat, I asked my supervisor if I could be involved with something from the beginning to the end,” she says, urging others to do the same where possible. “That experience gave me a much better understanding of the practice area and offered an invaluable insight into the commercial aspects that were driving the transaction; something which can sometimes be difficult to obtain when carrying out discreet tasks as a trainee.”

It can be easy to forget that your clients don’t necessarily have the same understanding of the law as you. Communicating with them in an accessible way is vital to building rapport and successful long-term relationships.” Another skill Choe believes shouldn’t be overlooked is emotional intelligence. “Being able to identify when and how to approach someone to offer or seek support is as much of a key skill as identifying a legal issue.” That means judging when someone is too busy to help you immediately, or when a junior is struggling and needs help. “Being mindful of others and the pressures they’re under makes for a supportive working environment.” Science parks and sustainability A career highlight for Chloe was acting for Kadans Science Partner on its acquisition of the science quadrant at Abingdon Science Park for under £13.5 million. She describes how this deal “demonstrated the strong investor appetite for life sciences assets” with the covid-19 pandemic having pushed this sector into the spotlight. “As a key member of the life sciences team at Mills & Reeve it was a great way to build on the experience I already had in science-park-related matters and to showcase the firm’s expertise. I’ve maintained that client relationship by doing a lot of the asset management work at the quadrant after the transaction completed.” Another area currently under the spotlight is sustainability. Chloe explains that her job “increasingly involves discussing and negotiating green lease clauses on behalf of investors and landlord/tenant clients”. There are plenty of plans for making buildings more energy efficient, but the question is: who will bear the cost? “It ultimately comes down to what the lease says. But in new deals it’s increasingly being factored into conversations at the heads of terms stage and is at the forefront of client’s minds.”


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