The LawCareers.Net Handbook 2023

10 Old Square, Lincoln’s Inn, London WC2A 3SU Tel: 020 7405 0758 Email: Web: tenoldsquare tenoldsquare Ten Old Square

Pupillages funded

Description of Chambers We are a highly regarded commercial chancery set of chambers based in London, with particular specialisms in private client, Court of Protection, partnerships and LLPs, property and commercial chancery work.




Tenancies in last 3 yrs




Our size means that no one is lost in the crowd. We maintain a friendly and relaxed atmosphere while still producing a first-rate service for our clients.

Apply through Pupillage Gateway

Remuneration for pupillage £60,000

We have a very experienced clerks’ team who take an active role in ensuring that each member’s practice is successful.

Areas of work Private client, Court of Protection, partnerships and LLPs, property and commercial chancery.

Who should apply We are looking for a potential tenant. Candidates should be of proven high academic ability and possess excellent powers of analysis, reasoning and presentation. In addition, the successful candidate will demonstrate sound judgement and be highly motivated. Our specific selection criteria are set out in our pupillage policy, available on our website. Ten Old Square is committed to equality of opportunity and keen to promote diversity amongst its pupils and members. We encourage applications from all, in particular from candidates from minority ethnic backgrounds. Pupillage programme The pupillage is structured so that our pupil can see the full range of chambers’ work. Our pupil will have two pupil supervisors throughout the 12 months and will sit with two other members of chambers, under the supervision of their supervisor. It is also likely that, throughout the pupillage, our pupil will undertake work for other members of chambers. Monitoring of a pupil’s progress takes place at the end of work through discussion with their pupil supervisor and through monthly written reviews, rather than by way of formal assessment.

When and how to apply Chambers uses the Pupillage Gateway.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview, will be asked to prepare a piece of written work and will spend a non-assessed day in chambers to get to know us better.

We offer one 12-month pupillage.

Mini-pupillages Mini-pupillages will generally take place over two to three days and we usually offer nine a year. Apply by application form, which is available on the website. The deadlines are 1 March, 15 July and 1 November. We are committed to widening access to the Bar to those from under represented social backgrounds. As part of that commitment, we offer: three ‘access’ mini-pupillages per year to candidates who fulfil at least one of our access criteria; and a guaranteed first round pupillage interview to those candidates.

Sponsorship/funding £60,000, with the option of drawing down up to a quarter in the year prior to pupillage.

Remember to cite The LawCareers.Net Handbook on your application form if you apply to this chambers.



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