King's Business - 1926-06


By Developing a StrongRichVoice More than 20,000men and women all over thecountiy have .VW im »Vvae «.. —-- « --rn f 1 developed powerful, beautiful voices by X222 . too, can build up a strong, magnetic, corn- i tiiat will be the marvel of your fnends, and Culture. You. pelling voice tr your key to success and fame. lt r .

' 1

Pf«H the lettersonthispagefrommenand womenwhohavemade their dreams come true by thiswonderful, scientific method of voice culture. You can continue your pres­ ent occupation and mode of life while you atudy in your own homo —and the coat is nominal — only a very «mail amount each month as you atudy. 100% Improvement Guaranteed It makes no difference whether you wish to improve your voice for your own pleasure or for professional singing. The man or woman sing­ ing in the home—the opera or con- cert singer—the choir singer—all fpn improve theirvoices100%, atthe very least,byPhysicalVoice Culture. W o absolutely guarantee 1 0 0% improvement or your tuitionwill be gladly refunded. You alone are to be the judge.

Gives Physical Voice Cultiwe Credit for Grand Opera Voice Etch 24 boon bring» me • etronger and better hold on mg voice. I feel like telling goo of It eech dog when I think back to aix gear» ago when catarrh bad Joat about Qetehed mg hearing and voice. I Joined the Los Angelee Opera Compang this Spring and we will have live Opera» reedy in September. It to raallg pathetic to eee the afarpoptia from the m otvoiee matters try for • place !n the Company. Some very pretty, bat weak, palate attack*, throat and lip attack*. I work hard all day and your silent exercises are ft wonderful rest.—Bert Longtre.

Harry Lompierre Finds the “ Right Way** I wish to give credit where credit ia due. The past twelve years have been spent in pro­ fessional singing. Believing that I had at last foand "the right wag," 1 cancelled aa entire season's bookings to apply m y s e l f dll¡gently to your Idas. Today mg voles Is completely new. formerly, I coold stag only • fair r‘P ’ (fifth Jina). Mow I can sing Ugh " B " Sat, with a rich, reso­ nant, manly Sana. — Horry w o - pierre. ^

Church Singer Delight* Congregation I cannot help but say “ Thank God” for everything von have done for me. As I sang in church yesterday people turned to see who was singing. I hops yoo »rill always think o f me as ona who has mods o big »access In

the work 1 choa* to do.—Carolyn Baker. Var obvious reasons the names signed to these letters have been changed. Bat the letters are all true and the real names of writers witt be sent on request. inspiringBookNowfBEE “ i Send Coupon!

Perfect Voice Institute, Studio A-*si 1920 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago, 111. Please send me, FREE and without any obligation, Prof.Feuchw tinger’s new book, “ Physical Voice Culture. I have checked th

The coupon will bring you e FREE copy of Physical Voice Culture” —a valuable new book on voice building. Do not hesi­ tate to ask for it. It is FREE and need not be returned. This may be the first step in a great career for you. Send the cou­ pon TO D AYI

Did you think one year ago that I would now be ringing as high aa high " C l I am very sure that I didn t. I often think of that hopeless first letter I wrote to you and I want to thank you for the help youhavegiven me and especially for the cheering letter* at the beginning when I needed boosting along the w ont way. Hoping that you will believe me to he ever your grate­ ful friend.—Mr*. Mary Brown.

B Stammering Speaking

B Woak Vote* Singing

Name.. Addrm City..

PerfectVoiceInstitute, 1820 Ä'JS,?’*"Chicago


T he K ing ’ s B usiness Motto: “ I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it ni&ht and day.* Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES

T. C. HORTON. - - - Editor-in-Chief WM. A. FISHER. Managing Editor







THIS MACA7INE stands for the Infallible Word of God, and for its great fundamental doctrines. ___ ITS PURPOSE is to strengthen the faith of all believers, in all the world; to stir their hearts to engage in definite Christian work; to acquaint ITS of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; and to work in harmony and fellowship with them in magnifying the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ, and thus hasten His coming. ___________________ Volum e X V II June, 1926 Number 6 . . . . .

Table of Contents


Editorials Page Consider the Christ of the Cross..... ............ -............................... ................ *15 The American Association for the Advancement of Atheism.:...............315 The Seed Sowing and Harrowing Harvest....................... ..........................316 The Idiotic Attack Upon the Invincible Anvil.................. : ........................31 7 Perplexing Problems in Bestowing Benefactions.......................................31 7 The Cloud of Grief and the Cloud of Glory.......................-...................... 318 ' ■ — Dr. John Murdoch Maclnnis— ....................................•■'M........... .319 Sunrise at Midnight— Dr. W . B. Hinson..................................■*............. ...321 The Harvest— Dr. S. J, Bole.............. ............................................. -........ 328 “The Certainty of Our Faith”— Rev. William B. Percival......... ............ 330 Three Vital Questions Answered— Rhodes S. Baker................ ........ 332 Anthropology: or, The Doctrine of Man— Dr. F. E. Marsh.................. 334 Seven Significant Signs— Rev. S. B. Rohold, F.R.G.S.............................336 FJghrti Annual World’s Christian Fundamental Convention........................... 323 Evangelistic Department (Interesting Soul 'Winning Stories from Real Experience) .............................................—- ................ r " 'e s » Our Bible Institute in China.........................................................................................'4 1 The Children’s Garden (The King's Business Junior)..................................... 343 Fine Gold (A Serial Story)— Josephine Hope Westervelt...... r*.................... 347 Matters of Moment................... ................................................................— .— - 3 4 8 Pointers for Preachers and Teachers (Homiletical Helps)............ -................ 34V The Family Circle (For Fellowship and Intercession)..............; - - 4 - ..............350 Practical Methods of Personal Work (For Defenders of the Faith) — T. C. Horton ........ ........ ........................- ...... - ....... - . . . . . . - . .— 351 Outline Studies in the Epistles of John— T. C. Horton................................... 352 Christian Endeavor Topics......... .......................................................... .......... ......... '5 4 Bible Institute Happenings......... ........... .........................—.......................... .............. The Chosen People, the Land and the Book........... .................... ....... ............ Best Books ........................- —«........................... .................................— - ........." " " ' ‘ i i i Iowa Christian Fundamentals Association...................... ................................... Contributed Articles The Message That Forced the Rewriting of History _



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June 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S




PAGODA AT RANGOON It was in this capital city of Burma that Adoniram Judson laid those foundations of missionary endeavor which have since brought many thousands of its people to a saving knowledge of Christ.

kwllt*'.W t .


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June 1926

I love you!! I love you 11! I am paying the price! I am paying the price!! I am paying the p r ice !!!” Satan was there. The serpent was bruising the heel of the “ Seed of the woman” (His human nature). This was the prophesied hour of Satan’s triumph, and the demons in hell rejoiced with him. But— the day is coming when Satan’s head will be bruised and Christ will be glorified in the fulfillment of the prophecy. Take away all of the empty crosses! Take them Off from the churches! Take them off from the gold chains! They are meaningless. There is but one cross that has a message for a lost world, and that is the cross of Christ, upon which is the Christ of the cross. Get your eyes fixed upon that and glory in the fact that there He paid the price of sin with His own blood and set us free!

CONSIDER TH E CHR IST OF TH E CROSS The words “ Christ” and “ Cross” are inseparably united. About seven hundred! and fifty times in the New Testament are the words “ Christ,” “ Jesus Christ,” and “ Christ Jesus” used, and in every instance with a particular and definite meaning, ij, “ Christ” means “ the Anointed One,” but the name is used by many to whom it is meaningless. To some, the cross suggests a gallows upon which men are hung, and Christ is to them a martyr to His convictions. But Christ was not a martyr to a cause, but the 1 ‘ Messenger of the Cross.” He carried this message from the courts of Heaven and delivered it to the world upon the cross of Cal­ vary. The message concerned humanity and announced the verdict of God’s wrath

upon the sinner because of his violation of God’s laws. The law of God, as embodied in the Ten Commandments, shows what God demands of every man, everywhere. To break one, is to break all. One lie makes a liar, and no liar can stand in the presence of GodJ Wrong conceptions of the meaning of the cross have come through the exhibition of empty crosses. Some are worn on gold chains; some are set upon churches. We need to visualize Christ upon the cross, and we need to realize that there God’s wrath was poured out upon Him. Do not miss the meaning of that word, “ Wrath.” It means, “ rage,” “ fury,” “ anger!” God-is a God of anger, a God of fury, a God of wrath, and you

“ Free from the law, oh happy condition! Jesus hath bled and there Is remission; Cursed by the law and bruised by the fall, Christ hath redeemed us— once for all!** TH E AM ER ICAN A SSO C IAT IO N FOR TH E AD V AN C EM E N T OF ATH E ISM Surely, this Twentieth Cen­ tury is making rapid strides when an organization, with the avowed purpose of destroying the faith of young people in our schools and colleges in God and His Word, is granted a charter by one of the judges of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Webster defines the words

Not all the blood of beasts, On Jewish altars slain, Could give the guilty conscience peace, Or wash away its stain, But Christ, the Heavenly Lamb, Takes all our guilt away, A sacrifice of nobler name, And richer blood than they. * Our souls look back to see The burden Thou did’st bear. When hanging on the accursed tree, For all our guilt was there. Believing, we rejoice, To see the curse remove; And bless the Lamb with cheerful voice, And sing redeeming love. — I saac W atts (1709).

“ atheist” and “ atheism’ * as follows: “ Atheist. One who disputes or denies the existence of a God or a Supreme, Intelligent Being.” “ Atheism. (1) The disbelief or denial of the exist­ ence of a God or Supreme Intelligent Being. A fer­ ocious system that leaves nothing above us to excite our awe, nor around us to awaken tenderness. (2) God­ lessness.” . The President of this Association declares that its object is “ the building of a better civilization by operating as a wrecking agency, leaving to others the designing and establishing of a new order.” As a *‘ wrecking agency” such an association could not be surpassed, for it is a deadly blow not only at the very foundation of this nation, ^which was founded upon the Bible, but upon civilization itself. In the past God has stricken some of these Godless, growling grovellers, and He may do so again. We pity them from the depths of our hearts, for 1*it is a fearful

will never be conscious of the full meaning of the cross until this thought grips you. God hates sin! He has pronounced His edict against it: 4 The spul that sin- neth, it shall die.” When you think of the cross, think of Christ upon i t—God manifest in the flesh, the Righteous, Holy One-’—paying the penalty for sin by the outpouring of His own blood. The Christ of the cross is a victim. He hangs there between two thieves. Listen and you can hear them railing at Him: “ If Thou be the Christ, save Thyself and us.” But that is the impossible. Christ could fashion worlds and send them spinning through space, but He could not save Himself. Look at Him as He hangs there! The blood is dropping from His pierced fore­ head where the crown of thorns rests. It is dropping from His side, where the spear was thrust. It is drop­ ping from His hands and from His feet. Drop byi.drop, as the sky darkens, every drop saying, “ I love you!

June 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” With many of them it is pure braggadocio, but the Govern­ ment should keep an eye upon them, for in seeking to destroy faith in God and in His Word they are lay­ ing the foundations for immorality, lawlessness and anarchy, and, if they could realize their ideal, would bring about the same conditions which are found today in Russia. . .■ We are glad to know that Dr. T. T . Martin, that valiant warrior of the Lord, who brought about the passage of the Anti-evolution bill in Mississippi recently, has issued a challenge to these blatant athe­ ists to debate with his associates “ 1 to 6, for a period of 12, 18 or 24 months,” the question: “ Should the Teaching of Evolution (that man is evolved from the lower orders of animals) be excluded from our tax-supported schools,” and has received an acceptance from them, for how­ ever only one. The debates were to have begun May 3, and we shall watch with keen anticipation to see how long-the “ American Association for the Advance­ ment of Atheism” will stay with the proposition. We prophesy that the history of this series of debates will be similar to that of the debates arranged between Dr. W . B. Riley, head of the Christian Funda­ mentals Association, and Mr. Maynard Shipley, head of the Science League of America, which has now passed into history. . . The first of these debates was held in the auditorium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles before an audience of over four thousand people. Although every effort had been made by the “ Science League” to get out their followers, it resulted in a most disastrous defeat for Mr. Shipley, with the result that, though similar debates had been scheduled to be held in many other Pacific Coast cities, they were cancelled by Mr. Shipley after another defeat at Oakland (his own .home town). Those who attended these debates will not soon forget the pathetic picture of the “ great scientist” ( !) as he sought to prove the truth of evolution by telling the story of the five-toed hors6 (“ eohippus” ) which had evdlved into the one-toed noble steed with which we were once so familiar before its evolution into the “ ford-hippus” of the present day. Dr. Martin is wise in attacking at the fountain head this question of the right to teach the children in tax- supported schools the utterly unproved and unprovable theory of evolution. For Evolution is the child of Atheism, and Modernism is the child of Evolution. Even though some so-called Christians are seeking to pose as “ theistic evolutionists,” the two cannot be reconciled. We are glad that the supporters of evolu­ tion are to be forced to take their place where they belong—with the avowed atheists. We know that every loyal “ Defender of the Faith” will be praying With us that God will give as great and glorious a victory to Dr. Martin and his associates, in this combat, as He did in the recent fight ’in Missis­ sippi, and that it may result in arousing every Christian citizen to the dangers of indifference to the perils which confront us as embodied in those agencies, under whatever designation, which are seeking to eliminate God*and the Bible from our national life.

There are two outstanding ‘agencies in our country which are sowing the seed of disintegration. One is the “ American Civil Liberties Union” which, with its allied organizations, such as “ The League for Indus­ trial Democracy,” “ Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom,” “ National Council for Preven­ tion of W ar,” “ Fellowship of Reconciliation,” “ The Fellowship of Youth for Peace,” “ Young Workers’ League,” etc., etc., is disseminating its propaganda throughout the colleges and universities of our land. There is no evidence of any desire for righteous results, and but one motive controls them all the breaking down of our national foundations and allying us with the Bolshevism of Russia. Our country is so occupied with making money and having a “ good time” that but few of our citizens are conscious of the “ red flag” which is hidden behind the seed-sowing which is carried on with such intense and indefatigable persistence. Some Americans are awake to the peril, but they are few. The Better Amer­ ica Federation issues its warnings weekly and has been able to arouse some. But busy days and increasing calls upon the business man, leave but little time for the contemplation of the shaking structure of our civil­ ization. But now a word about the second of these destruc­ tive agencies, which with Satanic cunning is aiding and abetting the other. The first lays its horny hand upon the outside of the structure, but the second works ffcom within, taking away the Heaven-born faith of the people and robbing them of their Lord and Saviour. The first cloaks its red garment with the plausible pretext of “ Liberty for a ll!” the latter, with holy and pious pretensions, breaks the binding of the Bible, eliminates from it the Virgin-born Son of God, denies the inerrancy of the Book’ itself, and would leave us shipwrecked, without chart, compass or rudder, and all in the name of Jehovah. The first is to be deplored; the last, despised. The first has but a limited field of action; the second broad­ casts its blustering burlesque far and near until even the people of other lands, whose lives have been revo­ lutionized by the Gospel of the grace of God, have been poisoned by the platitudes of these religious propa­ gandists and their faith wrecked. The first bring their money with them for their work; the second take money from even the infants and children in the Sunday School, and from ignorant and deceived church members. The first, thank God, can be curbed and should be and will be, if the people are enlightened regarding their real purpose; but the last, alas, are the most subtle enemies the church and nation have ever had. It is no time for soft speeches. We must lift our voices in warning. All that we hold dear is involved. We are trusting in the shed blood of the crucified Christ,— God manifest in the flesh. These emissaries of Satan are taking Him away and making Him, at best, but a martyr to a misconceived idea. What are they doing f They are maneuvering under a mask, mutilating the Bible, muddling the minds of


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June 1926

Last eve I paused beside a blacksmith’s door, And heard the anvil ring the vesper chime; Then, looking in, I saw upon the floor, Old hammers worn with beating years of time. “ How many anvils have you had," said I, “ To wear arid batter all these hammers so?” "Just one,” said he, and then, with twinkling eye, “ The anvil wears the hammers out, you know.” And so, I thought, The Anvil of God’s Word For ages sceptic blows have beat upon; Tet, though the noise of falling blows was heard, The Anvil is unharmed, the hammers GONE. — Selected. the people, massacring the Man of God and stealing the funds of the saints!- Christ said, “ Before Abraham was, I am.’ ’ Take away the doctrine of the Godhead of Christ and you eliminate the rock upon which our faith is founded. This is what they are doing: Boldly, brazenly, rob­ bing Him of His glory, robbing the church of her God- given heritage, robbing the believer of his only comfort and solace. Beware, lest you who read this, compro­ mise in any way and hurt the heart of your Lord. This picture is picturesque. The character of the critic is plainly evidenced in his face, and he is only one of many millions whom Satan has persuaded to strike at the Scriptures with helpless hammers. Two thousand years have passed, but the anvil still stands, not a dent visible upon its face, though the destructive critics have been destroyed by death and many, we fear, have reached the abode of the doomed. They think they are displaying great brilliance as they stand in the limelight and hammer with all their might ; but the handles are broken, the hammers lie at the foot of the anvil, and all the efforts of the poor weaklings from the pit prove puerile. How arrogant they are as they seek, by wily words, to destroy the faith of the young people and garb them in the garments of the devil. Have they no heart? None. They are absorbed in their own colossal con­ ceit. and look upon themselves as shining examples of modern scholarship. Yet they belittle the Book of books and break the ties that bind the family in the bonds of Heavenly peace. Look again at the picture. Notice the weak and wabbling knees of this fellow. Can you conceive of anything strong, sturdy or manly about him? The mortar board is suggestive of a flat head and a shallow brain cavity. But he prides himself upon his “ mod­ ernism,” though there is nothing modern about it; just the same, old-fashioned, faith-destroying system that has wrecked nations, and now aims to wreck the church of Christ and win the weaklings from the Crimson Cross. These pitiful prattlers are the enemies of humanity, the foes of God, of Christ, of the Holy Spirit, of civili­ TH E ID IOTIC A T T A C K UPON TH E INVINCIBLE A N V IL

zation. What can we do? We cannot still their tongues, for they babble, babble, night and day in schools, colleges, universities, and in some seminaries and pulpits;. They are lifter pay and praise, and they get both. - ■ ■ But have they anything to suggest in placq of the Old Book ?' Yes, their own learned theories with which they muddle the brain cavities of the unlearned, so that black becomes white, wrong becomes right, and viola­ tion of their solemn vows becomes faithful fulfillment. What can we do? Do what God commands. We can pray, and we can pray in the name of the crucified and risen Christ, for an outpouring of the Spirit of God which will put to shame the empty theories of these soul-destroying agents , of the pit. We can demon­ strate by lip and life that God’s Word is unbreakable and always workable. Thus we can help to stem the tide, and this our Lord commands us to do. (Jude 3). «4 * There is no problem of greater import confronting a loyal child of God, in these strange days, than that of handling sacred funds. We are all conscious, or should be, of the fact that, as stewards of God, we must give an account of and will be held responsible for, our stewardship. If we are making bank deposits we want to know not merely that the bank has a safe but that it is safe. Many banks have failed,— good banks, in the main, but unfor­ tunate investments and loans have compelled the clos­ ing of doors, and depositors have suffered loss. Many supposedly good stocks and bonds have proven to be poor security. Some men devote their lives to the work of “ working” people into making PERPLEXING PROBLEM S IN BESTOW ING BENEFACTIONS


June 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


TH E CLOUD OF GRIEF AN D TH E CLOUD OF G LO R Y Another faithful servant of the Lord has heard the call to companionship with Christ in the glory! Dr. Walter Benwell Hinson, Pastor of the East Side Baptist Church of Portland, Oregon, on April eighth laid down the commission which he had received from the Lord Jesus Christ to preach the Gospel, and went to receive from His pierced hand the crown of right­ eousness and take up his assigned place in the palace of the Kingf , We have had a spiritual touch with Dr. Hinson for many years, and loved him. He was loyal to his Lord; true to the truth of God’s Word; brave in the battle against the enemies of the Bible; considerate in his relation to the people of his church; sympathetic toward the sinner. He was a Bible man. In one of his sermons he paid this tribute to the Book of books: “ I have read It over and over until I must have worn out between ten and twenty copies of the Bible. I have inter­ lined it and annotated it, until some copies of the Bible l possess are almost useless to me, for I cannot read them. I have made use of it. I have believed all my life long that the Bible is the Book of God and that a man steps down when he preaches anything except the truth he finds in thit Book, and that what the Bible will not do we had better not attempt to have done. • "It has befriended me as has nothing else in this world. I have' known loneliness of some form or other nearly all my life. I have had to stand alone except for the sustenta- tion and solace of that Book. I have known despondency and weakness. Sometimes wonder has filled my mind as to what would happen next. But on oath I can say the Book has never failed me." Dr. Hinson was beloved of his people. For a long time his sermons have been published every week by his church, and thus he was able to broadcast his mes­ sage throughout this and other lands. When we think of him now we turn our eyes Heaven­ ward. He is there! And then, with multitudes of others, we can look forward— as he did— to the “ day of all days” when, in his resurrection body, he will join us in our resurreetion bodies and. together, we will be forever with the Lord. We extend our tenderest sympathy to his family and to his church, and our prayer to our Lord is, “ Multiply his kind, for the church and the world need

investments in real estate or some other line which prove to be valueless, and millions of dollars are thus wasted every year,.. This is the history of the unfortun­ ate and oftentimes careless handling of funds in sec­ ular matters. Every Christian, then, should be wise enough and sensible enough to take every precaution, in investing the Lord’s portion, to make sure that it will be safely handled upon a Bible basis. If one is a child of God, through faith in the blood offering of Jesus Christ (and there is no other way of becoming a child of God),*then you are a “ Christ-one. No one can take from us our right or title to Heaven, and we cannot praise Him enough for this. But— our relation to Him is sacred and involves sacred obligations and service. We belong to Him. We are His own blood-bought loved ones and are subject to His holy laws. His Word admonishes us that we are responsible as His representatives and that He expects us to use the marvelous privileges bestowed upon us in wisdom’s way. Comparatively few Christians are careful in this respect. With some, any appeal that comes from pul­ pit or pew finds a careless and more or less generous response, and the amount thus given is charged against the Lord’s account, without ever having asked a ques­ tion about the validity j> i the investment or whether the money was to be used in the Name of the Virgin- born Christ or simply in the much used and abused name of * ‘ Christianity. ’ ’ Satan, of coursq, is on the job. He cannot rob us of our inalienable rights, to Heaven, but he can spoil our usefulness and divert our gifts to his own use. If you allow your contributions to be used to help support a Modernist minister or missionary, or any form of Mod­ ernistic propaganda, you play into Satan’s hands and he has the laugh on you. Now it is our business in putting the *‘ penny ” on the plate or in the basket to consecrate it to the Lord whom we are supposed to love, and we have not only the right, but the sacred obligation confronting us to know whether we are “ playing safe” or playing into Satan’s hands. Exercise your God-given rights, for you will be held accountable in glory and will be the poorer throughout eternity if you are careless in this respect. Be as “ wise as the serpent” and beat him at his own game.

such men.” IK m ill “ CHANNELS OF BLESSING” letter from them saying they were not for sale, but if I would give further in­ formation, they would see if they could not give me some. This I did, and they agreed to send many. All the glory belongs to God! He used me as a mouthpiece. “ O, that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the chil­ dren of men." This dear sister sends us the letter of appreciation from Mr. Otter in which he says: “ The literature and Testaments will be a blessing to many hungry souls. We desire that you would continue to remember ub in prayer to God daily. We have a great task here and it requires much prayer and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. These boys and girls come and go continually and our heart’s desire is

to see them brought into vital rela­ tionship with the Saviour." It is wonderful to see what God can do through a life if "there be first a willing mind.” We can every one be "channels of blessing” to a lost and needy world if we will but yield ourselves absolutely to Him for serv­ ice, and sincerely desire that He should have all the glory. “ Oh fill me with Thy fullness, Lord, Until my very heart o’erflow, In kindling thought and glowing word Thy lové to tell, Thy praise to show.” “ Oh use me, Lord, use even me, Just as Thou wilt, and when, and where ; Until Thy blessed face I see, Thy rest, Thy Joy, Thy glory share.”

Some, -time ago we received an ap­ peal from Rev. L. EJ. Otter, Chaplain in the Kentucky Houses of Reform, Greendale, Ky., for some free Gospel literature to use in his work with the five hundred boys and girls under his charge. This was printed in the De­ cember King’s Business, and was read by a member of “ The King’s Business Family” here in Los Angeles. The Lord burdened her heart to help supply this literature, but she was financially unable to meet the expense. However, "God’s biddings are al­ ways His enablings" and, as she her­ self tells the story, “ I went to work in a house almost immediately where I saw a copy of the New Testament given out by the Tithers’ Tract Society. I wrote for the price, but received a



T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June 1926

Th e Message th a t Fo rced the R ew r it in g >«o f H is to ry § w DR. JOHN MURDOCH MACINNIS Dean of the Bible Institute of Loi"Angeles, California

day that would mean emancipation and a new life for themselves and their nation. All at once into that glorious dream came the Cross, and all was turned to darkness. Perhaps one of the most despairing cries in the history of literature is that represented by the two disciples on their way to Emmaus when they said, "We hoped that it was He who should redeem Israel, but now the chief priests and our rulers delivered Him up to be condemned to death and cru­ cified Him!” That is to say, they had hoped that He was the Deliverer, but the condemnation and death of Jesus in Jerusalem had belied their hope. To them the thing that happened when Jesus was crucified seemed the greatest tragedy that ever came into the life of the world. They could see no good or reason in it, and they wrote it down as the failure and defeat of the greatest dream that had ever come to them. The message of the Resurrection forced them to rewrite their history and to reinterpret its meaning. Instead of the thing that they thought to be the defeat of all that they had hoped being a failure, it was the moment in which God wrought mightily in the realisation of the redemption they had hoped for. He did not do it in their way, but nevertheless He accomplished the very thing that they desired. Indeed He accomplished something beyond what they had thought, for He wrought a redemp­ tion not fo* a single nation but for the whole world. Very many of the estimates of the things that are hap­ pening in our day would be changed if the people of God only' realized in a genuine experience of life that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and is the living Lord, Things may Jook dark to us, and the powers of evil may seem to have full sway and to be accomplishing their will, but if Jesus Christ is Lord and our religion means anything, we know that God is working all things together for good to them that love Him. And things that may look like a calam­ ity to us today, will in the final unveiling of our Lord in His goings, mark epochs in the redeeming action of God, and we need to go to the Church with the message of the risen and the living Christ and demand that our interpre­ tation of all that is happening be in the light of His vic­ tory over death and the grave and His regal power in the carrying out of the purposes and plan of God. “ Go quickly and tell . . . He is risen from the dead,” “ and by the right hand of God exalted Lord of all.” There is a second group out in the world, represented by Peter, that needs the message of the Resurrection so that they may rewrite their experience and interpretation of life. Peter not only lost his vision but he realized that he did a cowardly thing in the hour of testing. He denied his Lord, and whoever Jesus was, he felt that it was a cowardly thing to deny Him at the time he declared that he knew nothing of Him. There arose in his heart a desire to see his Lord

■HIS was the messagekof the risen, victorious and living Christ, and wherever it becomes a reality in the life of an individual or a church it forces a reconsideration of men’s estimate and interpre­ tation of the life of which they are a part. It is effective and powerful only when it comes as an experience of life. It became a living thing in the lives of the women and then their witness became powerful in the lives of those with whom they came in contact. When men experience it they cannot keep silent. Prof. Glover of Cambridge says: “ In philosophy and poetry and religion, to see is to speak; there is no alterna­ tive.” This is specially true in religion. The men who have given messages that have changed things, are men who saw. Moses saw God in the burning bush, and he spoke words that can never die. Isaiah saw Him “ high and lifted up,” and immediately he stood ready to speak to the world and to the’ages concerning God and His glory. Jeremiah saw God, and a fire was kindled in his life that was a burn­ ing in his bones, so that he could not keep from talking about what he saw. After the Damascus vision and experience Saul of Tarsus could no longer be silent. John Bunyan says that after he saw God he felt as if he could talk about the love of God to the crows by the roadside, and Dwight Lyman Moody, after an experience of the grace of God, wanted to talk to every creature that he saw, for he felt as though he were in a new world. It is the experience of the resurrection life, and the eter­ nal realities presented by it, that gives the key to the final meaning of the things that are happening, and their final issue. No wonder that the messenger said to the woman, “ Go quickly and tell.” That was the message that the world of their day needed, and the only message that could explain the things that were taking place; and as they went forth in obedience to this new vision a fuller vision came in the unveiling of Jesus Himself, for they met Him in the path of obedience. The path of dbedience is always the way of vision, and if there is no vision in our day it is because we have ceased to run in obedience to the Word of God. Now let us look at the groups .outside who were forced to change their record and interpretation of the history of their day through this new message. First, we have the disciples. They were genuine lovers of God and were bound to Jesus Christ in a genuine affec­ tion and devotion; yet the foundation had gone from under their thinking, and their sky had become clouded, and they were perhaps the most disappointed, discouraged and per­ plexed group in all the world at that time. Their touch with Jesus had given them a vision of great things and kindled a hope that was radiant with the dawning of a new

June 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


great centers of education and places of influence have announced their denials of ’Christ and the essentials of Christianity.' But a great miany of the things that have been said in our own lifetime have got to be rewritten, and the fact stands out today that Jesus Christ was never more on the hands of people than He is now, and when men forget history and announce with unwarranted confidence their organization of atheistic clubs, our answer must be “ Go quickly and tell. . . He is risen from the dead.” They have to deal not with a tradition or a theory but with the living Christ who again and again has conquered the darkness of death ■and atheism and has come back in the life and thinking of the world in a new experience and new power. There has not been a time in a hundred years when It was easier for a scholar to make a case for Jesus Christ and the Bible than the day In which we are living. In a conversation which I had a few days ago with a man who is in touch with the student life of the world he said that, in his nearly forty years of experience with student life, he has never seqn so many inquiring for the realities of the Christian religion and Jesus Christ as the power to help men live the kind of life they ought to live, as within the last two years. Every bit of history that is written from the point of view of the failure of Jesus Christ and Christianity must be rewritten, and every Interpretation of history that under­ takes to interpret life apart from Christ will be proven false. Dora Greenwell, in asking that death may speak with plainer speech than life, says a thing that is certainly true regarding the death of Jesus Christ in the light of the Resurrection: "Through dark decay it pleads, through sullen care;

that he might have the opportunity to tell Him how he hated himself for his cowardly denial at a time when he should have shown his friendship. He thought he never would have the opportunity to do that, and there was nothing before him but a joyless, remorseful life from which every hope cherished in his great dream had faded away; but now he is told that Jesus is alive and that He “ goeth before him into Galilee” and will meet him as He has promised to meet him. He not only has,a chance to see Him but the opportunity to pour out his heart and life before Him and tell Him that in spite of all he has done, he loves Him with an undying love. So we need to tell the people in the world who once con­ fessed Jesus Christ and followed Him but were disappointed in their experience and are heartbroken and would like t

It wins a triumph over earth’s despair:. It turns to truth Life’s failing prophecy, It tells us that the. Lord of Heaven was brave And strong, and resolute in love to save The world that He had made.”



The first installment of the

“CONFESSIONS OF A LAWYER ’S WIFE!” The true story of God’ s faithfulness to a forsaken wife. While, of necessity, published anonymously, this is not fiction, but a genuine account of the real experience of a real woman. The author says of her recital, “ If only a few are helped to more fully trust God in the time of severe trials and temptations, I shall feel more than repaid.” ItBJWK

R E A D I T !

P A S S I T O N !


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June 1926


Sunrise at Midnight * A Sermon by the late DR. W. B. HINSON Paator of the East Si

“Find me a man who is a man and he is always the man who came up out of the wilder­ ness. Where did I learn that? From my Lord Christ! He said one day, What went ye out into the xvilderness to see?’ A dude clothed in fine raiment poisoning the live air by his Pe?~ fumery? No ! What went ye out into the wil­ derness to see? A reed shaken with, the wind? A pussy-footed man?— a mati'who walks in the middle of the road and never sits doxvn unless it be astride 'the fence? ‘N o !’ said my Lord Christ, 'but out in the wilderness you found a m a n A n d I question if you ever found a man anywhere else but in the wilderness^ You find caricatures of men, and you find little substi­ tutes used by society and custom because they cannot get real men / but men come up out of. the wilderness." —From "The City of Tadmor,” by D r . W. B. H i - nson .

book of Job. When Job’s friends went to see him in his overwhelming trouble they sat there silent day after day like wise men. But when they opened their mouths and began to explain things, then they became fools. Oh, but I have said to many of you people, “ I do not know, and I cannot tell.” Why the life was cut oft in the bubbling waters the other day, I do not know. Why deprivations starve the mind and the heart and the soul, I cannot tell. And in the presence of a hundred questions I am silent and for them have no reply. “ What I do thou knowest not now. The Revelation d f the Coming Years “ But thou shalt understand hereafter.” Ah, doeB not that sound good? The coming years will bring revelation that explains very much.. I remember, Saul-like, I kicked against thè pricks when I was trying to acquire an education and was in such grinding poverty that I was cold and hun­ gry three-fourths of the time. And I wanted to know why other men had got money and why I lacked it, why they were warmly clad and I shivered, why they were well fed and I was hungry. But *1 understand that now. We cannot go to school today unless we have a guarantee of money and a trunk full of clothes. No! I sometimes wish we had to do the thing as some of us did it ih the bygone days. We might not be quite so sporty, but we would be a hundred times more sensible! We might not have little badges and medals that told of our prowess on the campus, but we would not be quite so empty headed! The coming years reveal the meaning of a great deal. I planted some pansy seed last Friday, and I talked to those seeds— as I always do. And I said, “ This looks bad, does it not; throwing you down in the earth, and then covering you over as if I had no care for you at all. And pretty soon, Seed, the pelting rain will come upon you and you will think it is Noah’s flood. And then the cold nights will come and you will think you are having a lot of trouble. But do not worry and do not lose heart, for next March you will come up in the sunlight, and next April you will bud and blossom, and then people will look at your varied beautiful color and praise God, and they will inhale your



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