King's Business - 1926-06

June 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


fundamental to the Christian faith. Between these two there is a great gulf fixed. There can never be anything but ceaseless warfare between those who question the founda­ tions of our faith, and those who are loyal to them.” Evolution Condemned and Rejected "Evolution is utterly baseless, unscientific and unscrip- tural. ^We assert that man in his body, soul and spirit is absolutely, and wholly the product of God’s creative power; that man is made In the image of God and has no genetic or blood relationship with a n y 1of the lower animal kingdom.” Need of Real Revival The resolution outlining conditions in home life, pulpit, pew, schools, and the world at large, constitutes such a challenge to Christians everywhere, that we are giving it special prominence and emphasis. Read it! Read it again and again! Then do what God would have you do about it, remembering the solemn warning in Ezekiel 3:17-21.

Bible. But “ evolution is the devil’s argument today. He has put on a collar, back to front, and gone Into the pulpit,’’ said Dr. Brown.


The resolutions adopted at the close of the Convention dealt with some of the leading questions before the church today, Including a commendation of the life and work of the late William Jennings Bryan. Modernism Scored The resolution regarding Modernism called upon "evan­ gelical Christians everywhere to support by their prayers anci gifts only such organizations and individuals as are loyal to the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Modernism is but old infidelity in new manifestations. Fun­ damentalism is the emphasis upon those truths which are

Twentieth Anniversary of the Fishermen’s Club

tian work in this and other lands,— has now incorporated as an Interna­ tional organization, and purposes to organize Fishermen’s Clubs (properly safe-guarded against departure from the fundamentals) wherever practic­ able in this and other lands; now, therefore, “ BE IT RESOLVED, that this Con­ vention heartily endorses the princi­ ples and purpose of the International Fishermen’s" Club, and commends it to Furidamentalists everywhere.” AN UNLOOKED-FOR MIRACLE On Easter Eve about forty young men, members of “ The Fishermen’s Club” of Los Angeles, were gathered for an all-night prayer meeting, in preparation for their usual custom of distributing tracts and Gospels at the various sunrise Easter services. Among their number was a Mr. Stroud, who had been a student of the Evening School of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles for a year or more. Something happened to thiB young man while in the prayer meeting, an ac­ count of which he gave in the regular Fishermen’s Club meeting the follow­ ing Monday night, which we are print­ ing herewith, feeling sure that it will intensify your faith in the fact that Jesus Christ is “ the same, yesterday, today and forever.” (T.C.H.) “ I want to tell you how proud I am to be able to step on 'this platform like a real man. It is pretty hard for a former cripple to realize how such a wonderful thing could happen so quickly. “ It happened last Saturday night (April 3) at the all-night prayer meet­ ing, where we were praying before go­ ing out to the Sunrise Easter Services. I was praying for strength to go out with them on Easter morning and do something for the Lord. I was not praying for healing. “ Two years ago I was as ‘poison’ a sinner as could be found. I wasn’t a

and Canada, founded on the same defi­ nite statement of doctrine as the orig­ inal Club. The World’s Christian Fundamen­ tals Association, in Toronto, at its recent convention passed a resolution of commendation and endorsement of the International Fishermen’s Club as follows: “ WHEREAS, the Fishermen’s Club of Los Angeles, the interdenomina­ tional organization of y o u n g men (from which grew the Bible Institute of Los Angeles) was founded twenty years ago on a statement of doctrine which includes every fundamental doc­ trine for which the Christian Funda­ mentals Association stands today— the Fishermen’s Club having incorporated its organization and copyrighted its emblem for the purpose of protection against any departure from these fun­ damental doctrines; and "WHEREAS, the Fishermen’s Club — having demonstrated its value in inspiring young men with a desire to live a heroic Christian life in order to meet the call of Christ for service, and in defence of the Whole Word of God, by the fact that hundreds of its mem­ bers are now serving as pastora, mis­ sionaries, and in other forms of Chris­

N April 26, in the Lower Auditorium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, was held the Twentieth An­

niversary of this unique organization'. This club had its inception when Mr. Horton, then Bible Teacher at Imman­ uel Presbyterian Church, called, to­ gether seven young men for Bible study in preparation for soul-saving work. The first meeting was held in the basement. No name was at first given to the class, and there was no thought of future possibilities. But a little seed was sown that night which has produced A great harvest for the Lord. Out of that small group of young men has grown the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and later— the Bible Institute in Hunan, China, from which have gone hundreds of preachers, teachers, missionaries and soul-winners. “ Behold, how great a matter a little fire klndleth!” The audience at the Twentieth An­ niversary was composed largely of young people. The “ Lyceum Club”— a sister organization for young women — was well represented. Beginning with a supper for three, hundred— members and guests— and closing with a life-dedicatory service, the Spirit of God was manifestly present as testi­ monies were given by those present, and letters read from representatives of the Club on the mission field and in many pulpits in our own land. The Fishermen’s Club presses for­ ward to its twenty-first milestone with renewed zeal and anticipation, for it has now been made an International organization, and branches are being established throughout this country

F O U R T H OF J U L Y CELEBRATION f o r the KING’S BUSINESS FAMILY! Our Doors Will be Open for a World-Wide Celebration Tickets $1.25

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