King's Business - 1926-06


By Developing a StrongRichVoice More than 20,000men and women all over thecountiy have .VW im »Vvae «.. —-- « --rn f 1 developed powerful, beautiful voices by X222 . too, can build up a strong, magnetic, corn- i tiiat will be the marvel of your fnends, and Culture. You. pelling voice tr your key to success and fame. lt r .

' 1

Pf«H the lettersonthispagefrommenand womenwhohavemade their dreams come true by thiswonderful, scientific method of voice culture. You can continue your pres­ ent occupation and mode of life while you atudy in your own homo —and the coat is nominal — only a very «mail amount each month as you atudy. 100% Improvement Guaranteed It makes no difference whether you wish to improve your voice for your own pleasure or for professional singing. The man or woman sing­ ing in the home—the opera or con- cert singer—the choir singer—all fpn improve theirvoices100%, atthe very least,byPhysicalVoice Culture. W o absolutely guarantee 1 0 0% improvement or your tuitionwill be gladly refunded. You alone are to be the judge.

Gives Physical Voice Cultiwe Credit for Grand Opera Voice Etch 24 boon bring» me • etronger and better hold on mg voice. I feel like telling goo of It eech dog when I think back to aix gear» ago when catarrh bad Joat about Qetehed mg hearing and voice. I Joined the Los Angelee Opera Compang this Spring and we will have live Opera» reedy in September. It to raallg pathetic to eee the afarpoptia from the m otvoiee matters try for • place !n the Company. Some very pretty, bat weak, palate attack*, throat and lip attack*. I work hard all day and your silent exercises are ft wonderful rest.—Bert Longtre.

Harry Lompierre Finds the “ Right Way** I wish to give credit where credit ia due. The past twelve years have been spent in pro­ fessional singing. Believing that I had at last foand "the right wag," 1 cancelled aa entire season's bookings to apply m y s e l f dll¡gently to your Idas. Today mg voles Is completely new. formerly, I coold stag only • fair r‘P ’ (fifth Jina). Mow I can sing Ugh " B " Sat, with a rich, reso­ nant, manly Sana. — Horry w o - pierre. ^

Church Singer Delight* Congregation I cannot help but say “ Thank God” for everything von have done for me. As I sang in church yesterday people turned to see who was singing. I hops yoo »rill always think o f me as ona who has mods o big »access In

the work 1 choa* to do.—Carolyn Baker. Var obvious reasons the names signed to these letters have been changed. Bat the letters are all true and the real names of writers witt be sent on request. inspiringBookNowfBEE “ i Send Coupon!

Perfect Voice Institute, Studio A-*si 1920 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago, 111. Please send me, FREE and without any obligation, Prof.Feuchw tinger’s new book, “ Physical Voice Culture. I have checked th

The coupon will bring you e FREE copy of Physical Voice Culture” —a valuable new book on voice building. Do not hesi­ tate to ask for it. It is FREE and need not be returned. This may be the first step in a great career for you. Send the cou­ pon TO D AYI

Did you think one year ago that I would now be ringing as high aa high " C l I am very sure that I didn t. I often think of that hopeless first letter I wrote to you and I want to thank you for the help youhavegiven me and especially for the cheering letter* at the beginning when I needed boosting along the w ont way. Hoping that you will believe me to he ever your grate­ ful friend.—Mr*. Mary Brown.

B Stammering Speaking

B Woak Vote* Singing

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PerfectVoiceInstitute, 1820 Ä'JS,?’*"Chicago


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