King's Business - 1926-06

June 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Such a letter was handed to us. We must confess to having some reluct­ ance about taking up the case, for it involved not only the soul, but a delicate handling of a grave situation. It looked like interference and .yet, if successful, would result in the saying of soul and body. With fear and trembling, yet relying on the Lord for guidance and wisdom, we went to the address given, to find the person had gone and nobody liv­ ing around knew where. Looking up to the Lord, we were guided to a certain house where we found some­ one who knew the person we were looking for and knew where she was living. At last we found the object of our search and our heart went out to her immediately. A sweet little woman, cruelly wronged by the hus­ band who should have protected her. He had left her alone hundred of miles from her home in a strange city .and without any experience of earning a living. She told us how one day he came back and ran off with their little child, her only comfort; and how she was trying in vain to find them in order to. get the child. After she had quieted down, we told her of the love of God, and step by step, she was led into acceptance of the Lord Jesus as Her Saviour. After signing her name at the back of John’s Gospel, she looked up and said, “ Now I have some­ one to pray to.” Her sorrow is still with her, but now she has the Comforter and is bravely facing life, making an hories't living for herself and' praying that the child may be restored. Best of all, she is keeping loyal to the Saviour she found that day— a day when a servant of the Lord started out on the errand with reluctant feet, but re­ turned with winged feet because of joy akiri to heaven’s joy over one sin­ ner who repented.

SEAM EN ’S DEPARTM EN T Clauds H. Pearson, Supt.—Our workers board all vessels in the pqrt of San Pedro, holding Gospel Services and Distributing Literature.

BIBLE W O M E N ’S W O R K Mr». L y m a n Stewart, Supt.—'Twenty-five Women Engaged in House to House Personal Work, Bible Classes and Soul Winning Clubs. A Forward Look ••llleKHFd are the dead which die In the Lord from henceforth: yen, nnlth the Spirit, that they may rent from their Inbornt and their works do follow them. Rev. 14:13. •EVEJNTEEN years ago the late Mrs. Anna L. Horton started Bible study clubs in connection with the Bible Women’s Work in the High * Schools and Grammar schools of this city, and could she have looked into the future, how her heart would have glowed with praises and thanksgiving for the progress of this work. Today we have fifty-six such clubs called“ Euodia” meaning “ fragrant for Christ,” and the many thousands, of girls enrolled in them have had and are having sys­ tematic Bible study each week, and each teacher realizes how much good is being done and how many prayers are being answered for the girls. For instance, one girl, after attending one of our rallies, accepted Christ as her Saviour, and each week, at the usual meetings, has asked prayer for her whole family, and we had the joy' after one year of having our prayers an­ swered. The mother, father, sister and brother-in-law all have joined the church, .and so one -home has been united on earth in fellowship with each other and we know they will be united with our Saviour eternally. Many girls have recently accepted Christ at the weekly Bible Classes and many have surrendered their lives for active service for the Lord. The Euodia work is a unique work. We meet right after school in some home near the school, arid what blessed times are experienced by teacher and girls! The girls’ testi­ monies are so earnest and inspiring. One giri said ever since she went to Euodia, God had blessed her and- heiped her in her studies and she had all “ A’s,” having found out the secret that “ prayer changes things.” We covet the prayers of ’ each and every reader for the girls of this city; in fact,, for girls all over the world. Joy In Borrow To all Christian workers comes the experience of receiving letters asking us to visit some person who seems to be resting heavily on the heart of the writer. Concern for their soul’s sal­ vation and material well being is the burden of the letter; a duty maybe that was neglected when the oppor­ tunity was theirs. These letters are often very vague and the address hard­ ly ever correct.

|HE best advertisement in the commercial world today, we believe, is a satisfied cus­ tomer. Andrew found Christ and then brought his bro­ ther; the woman at the well saw Him and then went to tell others. As we visit many, many vessels from all na­ tions of the world distributing tracts, gospels, etc;, we have little time to hold meetings so most of our work is personal work and speaking to groups of officers and men. It cheers us as we visit some vessel, and hear a happy voice say, “ My, I am glad to see you again. I was on such and such a vessel at such and such a time, and I have not forgotten the message you gave.” We believe that tliis is due to the fact that we have been true to pur Lord, compromising on no issue .»__i •_ a ____t n f b o f t n c n p l o f Christ. We are further encouraged when this' same officer takes us to another group of men of similar rank, and in- ‘ troduces us in the following manner: “ Gentlemen, this is Mr. Pearson, sky- pilot missionary. I want you to lis­ ten to what he has to say. He will give you a message that will not go over your head or run under your feet, but will he direct to your heart.” Again we humbly say; Praise God, may we ever be counted worthy ) to sow His precious seed. We give the same message to Captain and sailors, because they both need Christ. Not very often do we have the time or have access tp the Captain, but quite recently we had the joy of spending a large part of an afternoon with a certain Captain on an American ves­ sel. He was so interested that while we were visiting another part of the ship he sent for us to return to his cabin before we left the vessel. This we were glad to do, and soon turned the conversation back to the things of God. Quite frequently he would say, “ Yes, I believe all that; it is hereditary with me. I have been taught it from my childhood. I can’t help but. be­ lieve it, but it doesn’t seem personal.” Upon inquiry we find out that the rea­ son it doesn’t seem personal is be­ cause it has not been a personal de­ cision with him, and a mere intellec­ tual belief very seldom satisfies the heart. Then, too, this dear man had been flirting with evolution, Christian Science, and a lot of other false re­ ligions, having a small amount of each Etored away in his brain. Again and

JULY, 1926


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