King's Business - 1926-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June 1926

again we brought him back to the first chapter of Genesis: “ Things brought forth after their kind;" to the third chapter of Genesis, establishing the fact of the fall, the covering of skins made by God Himself in con­ trast with the covering of fig leaves made by man. We assured him that there is xfb contradiction between all established facts of science and the Word of God, but there are contra­ dictions between the theories of mod­ ern science and the facts of God. We believe we helped him, and then had the joy of leaving with him books and booklets that will establish and settle his conservative thinking and any earnest inquirer in the truth of God’s precious and Holy Word. Pray for us; our work is peculiar in many ways. We do not get to reach great numbers through sermons and special meetings, but thanks be to Him, we do have the joy of meeting men, man to man, and of placing conserva­ tive, truthful books, pamphlets, and greatest of all the Word of God it­ self, in their hands. We do covet your prayers in this work. M W O R K IN TH E SHOPS Marion H. Reynold«, Supt.—Meeting» held in Shop», Factor!«». Car-Barna and Fire Engine Houses in Los Angeles. pends on the kind of soil,, weather conditions, etc., as to the crop it is to bear. In other words, he must, of necessity, sow in faith, trusting in the wise providence of “ Him whose hand is not shortened that it cannot save.” Much of our work of tract sowing, Gospel preaching, etc., is like the sow­ ing of the seed.. God uses one to sow, another to water, but He alone gives the increase. This was beau­ tifully illustrated in a service we held the other noon in one of the shops, where for some time we have been greatly interested in seeing some of-the foremen converted." Two and a half years ago one of the men took a definite stand for Christ. Since that time all of the men have marveled at the change that has taken place in his life. This man was re- cently taken to the hospital for an operation, and at the close of the serv­ ice the other noon one of the fore­ men said, “ You know Mr.----------- is in the hospital. He thinks the world Of you.” And as a consequence we turned to him and said, “ You know the reason why, don’t you?” To which he said, “ Yes, it is because he accepted Christ with your help some time ago.” Turning to him we asked him if he had ever himself accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour, and found that although his folks were devout Chris­ tians and his wife and children church members he had never definitely taken a stand. Following this up with some definite Scripture we were led to ask him to definitely take „his stand then and there for Christ, and e’er the whistle blew this man stepped out of REQUENTLY in visiting the different shops and deliver­ ing the message, we are re­ minded of the farmer who sows his grain. Much de­

Tne u u iiiia i MrviM, ¿New York

A 300 Year Old Flour Mill In Japan. Th e m iller and his fam ily are sh ow n In the foreg rou n d , w h ile in the b a ck ­ g rou n d is to be n oted the p ictu resqu e old w a ter w heel that tu rn s the m a ch in ery w h ich fo r th ree ce n tu rie s has g ro u n d the raw flour fo r the n eig h b o rin g farm ers.

numbering thirty in all, also have ac­ cepted the Saviour. Don’t you think it was worth while to stand on the Plaza and give the fhessage? We have learned that others also have been converted through the testi­ mony of some of our men on the Plaza. One man especially we .have in mind was at one of the camps where we had a group of believers, his wife and family having accepted, yet he refused to yield. But one day he heard one of our men testify at the Plaza meet­ ing and that was the turning point in his life. Another one of our believers, who has gone to a distant railroad camp, has been faithful in letting his light shine among those with whom he labors, and several have believed, and he says that they come over to his room every night to study the Word. It is wonderful- how they long to know more of the Word of God after they are converted and it only goes to show the awful hunger they have, having been denied the life-giving Word all their lives. Recently it was my privilege to visit a Mexican village where one of the men of our Bible class had gone to live in order to give his testimony, having lived there before his conver­ sion. To my astonishment, through his testimony, we had a meeting with a group of thirty persons, and after we gave the message five responded, came forward and accepted the Saviour. While I was there I learned what the unconverted said about the change thaj had come over the town since this man was there. As some of you know there are always some very bad Mexicans who cause disturbances such

death into life, out of darkness into light. The seed had been sown years be­ fore but it remained ’ for God to use first this one and then the other one to bring that seed to the time of har­ vest. So as we go here and there among the railroad men, may we al­ ways be conscious that we are sowing the seed in faith that much of it will spring up into life everlasting. Pray that we may be faithful to the trust committed' to us. m SPAN ISH W O R K Robert H. Bender, Sunt. —Gospel Meeting» and Houae to House Work among SO,000 Mexican» in Los Angeles and Vicinity. "Therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word.” We find that the joy of salvation is so great to them that they cannot keep the good news to themselves, but are anxious to take it to thpir families and friends. Last January one of the converts who was reached at one of our outdoor meetings at the Plaza not quite a year ago and afterward joined our Bible class, returned to his home and immediately gave his testimony to his family and friends. Now after three months he reports what the Lord •has done through his testimony. This is the result; his wife and six children, his mother and two sisters accepted the Saviour, and more than that six other families, ECAUSE of persecution the early Christians went forth to preach the Word. - We praise the Lord that it is so with the Mexican converts.

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