King's Business - 1926-06

June 1926



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Club, as well as those of our student body. They conducted an evangelistic campaign under the auspices of the Church of the Open Door for two weeks in May, which proved to be times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord for Church and Institute. 5942 Lotus Ave., St. Louis, Mo. I am very, very glad to tell you that I have been accepted by the Sudan Interior Mission for work in Nigeria, subject to a visit to the New York Home to determine more accurately my physical fitness for the work and climate. As opportunity affords, I should be glad to' have your prayers in regard to this matter. Sincerely in Him, Edith Z. Overman, ’ 23. From "Inland South America” of April 15th, we learn that Mr. W. R. Hunrichs, B. I. ’ 22, who is mission­ ary to the Nhambiquara Indians, is now engaged Jn the erection of his home. Having to saw and finish thè lumber from the native forest timber makes it slow work. He must also make his own furniture in the same way from the native woods. He asks our prayers for the success of his work among the Indians, whom hè says are very wild and hard to reach. Colorado Springs, 223 E. Platte Ave. The Lord has very greatly blessed me in His work here in my old church. Have been singing every Sunday and often three or four times during the week. I earnestly covet your prayers for guidance for the future, that I may know clearly and without doubt just His will for me. Would also ask prayer for a former student of B. I., a graduate, who is ill. May our Lord richly bless you all. Sincerely yours in Him, Katherine Huyscr. Gal. 2:20, Steamboat Springs, Colorado. From Miss Rachel Wood, ’ 24, we have thè following: The Lord has given me a large field o f service and I do praise Him. I am already working on plans fq j an­ other vacation Bible school this sum­ mer, and long for your prayers. Last year I had a total enrollment of one hundred and twelve and had no help whatever with the teaching. My own church helped me financially. Please pray that I may have an assistant this summer and that we may have a suit­ able place for the work. Helen M. Dick, ’ 22, writing from Dulce, New Mexico, in March, sends greetings to all with Isa. 55:10-11. This has been a happy year with our Apache friends. Time has gone by so fast. It seems but a short time since we opened school and now the children are counting the days when they may go home for the vacation. The children have become very much -r

appointment not to be in my Master’s work, and it is hard to have patience, yet I know that in His good time all will be well. Sincerely yours, Marie Saunders, '22. *At a recent B. Y. P. U. Rally at the “ Pleasant Home” (Oregon) Church in which the “ Holly” and "Gresham” Churches participated, there were about one hundred and fifty in at­ tendance, and Miss Louise K. Hun- derup, ’ 19, made one of the principal addresses. From the "Baptist Spokesman,” Portland, Oregon, we learn that Edgar B. Luther, ’ 16, now pastor of the First Baptist Church, Woodland, California, has had one of the greatest and most successful revivals which has been held in that city for many years. These meetings were conducted by Evangelist H. August Hunderup, ’ 15. Graham, Texas. I am teaching Bible in the public schools in Graham, Texas. Mr Hijlis came through recently. Needless to say I was happy to see him and have his kindly epcouragement. This is a great work, but I am praying that some one will be sent to fill my place here as I have been called to parish work in Los Angeles. Della It. Evan- son, ’ 24. Rev. Harry P. Herdman, ’ 24, while continuing his deputation work for the A I. M„ finds time to make a trip each week-end to Yermo and Kelso, California, in the Mojave desert, to minister to two groups of heart-hun­ gry people who watch for his coming. He preaches and conduct)» a Sunday School in Yermo, and in Kelso he has a Junior church in addition to his preaching services. Bethel College, Newton, Kansas, April 11th, 1926. It was a joy and a wonderful en­ couragement to see Mr. Hillis here at Bethel, although his visit was very short. Wish he would give us an­ other surprise visit and supply us with more news of the B. I. folks, for B. I. is not getting old to me, but rather newer as the days go by. Sincerely, Leonard E. Harms, ’ 24. Rev. Harold L. Stephens, noted Evangelist, who for seventeen years has continuously conducted most suc­ cessful evangelistic campaigns through­ out the United States, Canada and England, together with his talented wife (musician, hymn-writer and speaker), is with ub . Mr. Stephens has conducted the morning devotions several times with great blessing to the students, and his wife, inv her gracious manner, has endeared her­ self to the young ladies of the Lyceu^J, .


Ethel U. Veeder, ’ 20, was recently married to Mr. George W. Anthony. They are now living at 2123 Mozart Street, Los Angeles, California. In a recent dumber of “ Our Bond,” the News and Notes of the Australian and New Zealand Baptist Mission in Bengal, is a notice of the marriage of Mr. H. A. Jones (B. I. 1922) to Miss Gillanders in the little Mission Church at Chandpur, India. A Card lately came to hand bearing the following simple legend— Arthur W. Tuggy, ’ 22 and Roe Olive Williams . announce their marriage, February twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twenty-six. Edwin Bonander, '25 and Miss Ellen Nelson, at Kingsburg, Calif. Mr. and Mrs Bonander are in Min­ neapolis, where Mr. Bonander is at­ tending the Bethel Seminary. George A. Magnuson, ’ 25, is also at­ tending this Seminary. We have just received an announce­ ment of the marriage .of Rev. Fred H. Wight (B. I. 1920), to Miss Winifred Margaret Bushell, Wednesday, April 21st, at Riverside, California. They will be “ at home” after May 15th, at Blythe, California. Mrs. Wight has been director of Young Peo­ ple’s Work at the First Baptist Church, Riverside, and Mr. Wight is pastor of the Baptist Church at Blythe. g e n e r a l n ew s Harlinger, Texas. Dear COrWorkers: We desire your prayers for special evangelistic work we contemplate entering soon. Sincerely, R. A. Flaniken, ’ 22. Rev. Stanley N. Bond, ’ 22, is pas­ tor of the Christian Chutch at Coa­ chella, California. Mrs. Bond (nee Mary Eikcnberry, ex. *22) and little daughter Mildred, are both well. Coa­ chella is located seventy-two feet be­ low sea level. Mrs. Catherine W. Hughes, '20, Llangynog. Oswestry, North Wales, has been in the home of her aunt, but says that the coming year may bring a change. She writes: "Whatever comes, I pray that I may be in His will, and all will be right.” 121 E. Ave. 32, Los Angeles. Since graduating from B. I. I have been ill and am just now recuperating from an operation. It is a great dis­






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