King's Business - 1926-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June 1926

NEW TESTAMENT GREEK Prepare by Home Study to interpret and teach the New Testament, and understand the Interpretations of others. A working knowledge of the Creek New Testament is obtainable by our method of instruction. Courses in Theology, Religious Educa­ tion, Art of Preaching Without Notes, Sociology. Child Welfare; Child Psychol­ ogy. Rhetoric, Short Stdry Writing, Ar- gumentatioln, Bible, Philosophy• History, and in 50 f other subjects are given by correspondence. Enroll any time. Degrees granted. Catalogue free. POTOMAC UNIVERSITY 22nd Year. Dept. 11. Washington, D. C. (3mn\unionWare of QuahJjr BestMatenalsJt^ & ï# & è \ UUNIfeUMar WosKHAssmr Lowest P riées. Send to r Illustrated Catalog INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE CO. Room356 1701"1705 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia,Pa. Pipe-Tone Folding Organs 4 Octave Double Reed

Iowa .Christian Fundamentals Association^] President, Rev. David Alexander GrundyCenter, Iowa ist Vice Pres. Rev. W. P. Fink Eariham, Iowa and Vice Pres. B. W. Woodrow Newton, Iowa Gen. Secy. A. C. Hutton Yeung Peoples’ Secy, Carleton E. Null ,737 DesMoines St., Des Moines, lows Wintetset, Iowa BibleStudy Secretary, Mias Elin Falk 1607 E. NinthSt., DesMoines, la. Conference Sec'y, Mr. John Dunkerton 91 ; 40 thPlace, Des Moines, la. Treasurer, Mr. E. M. Pyle 89 ; 14 thSt., Marion, la. Editor, Dr. T. F. Cooke 704 KelloggAye., Ames, la.

We are glad to announce to all our friends in Iowa that The King s Busi­ ness is to be our medium of information regarding lows Fundamental Association news, and trust that it will prove mutually helpful to both our Association and The King’s Business. One of the best ways we know of to advance the cause of our blessed Lord is to do what we can to increase the circulation of magazines that are standing for the truth.

spoke on "The World’s Two Great Re­ ligions,’’ explaining that there are but two religions in the world, that of works and that of faith. The second evening his subject was, "Why All This Fuss About Evolution?” Good sized audiences greeted the speaker daily. The Des Moines Bible Association elected the following officers for the coming year: President, John M. Dun­ kerton; Vice-President, H: O. Meyer, Pastor Calvary Baptist Church; Corre­ sponding Secretary, Guy Fish; Record­ ing Secretary, Mrs. C. W. Helstrom; Bible Class Secretary, Miss D. L. Dot- son; Treasurer, E. Paul Jones. Many of the Fundamentalist pastors and their churches refused to join in the Religious Life Emphasis Week sponsored by the Y.M.C.A. and backed by three-fourths of the churches of the city of Des Moines, because all the speakers were Modernists and infidels. Sherwood Eddy was the headliner. H. O. Meyer, pastor Calvary Baptist Church, led the fight, and spoke from his pulpit to large audiences against evolution text books and teachers in the schools. The Association printed a tract entitled "Sherwood Eddy, Modernist,” reviewing his books and exposing his infidelity, higher criticism and destructive teachings. These were scattered through all the city. So no one need be misled by Eddy and his crowd of false teachers with their r i n m n n h l A h e re sie s in Des Moines.

PLANS BEING MADE FOR IOWA FUNDAMENTALS CONFERENCE The Iowa brethren are perfecting their final plans for what they hope will be Iowa’s greatest Fundamental conference. Their conference will be held in the Highland Park Presbyter­ ian Church, Des Moines, on Sunday to Thursday, June 13th to 17th. The two outside speakers will be Harry Ironside of Oakland, California, and Rev. Louis Talbot of Keokuk, Iowa. The former can accept but ten per cent of the numerous invitations which he receives from all parts of the country, and the latter is Iowa’s strongest Bible expositor. Rev, Ira Deal will have charge of the music, as well as the meetings for children each week-day afternoon. Mrs. T. J, Perrin, 3421 3rd St., Des Moines, is the chairman of the enter­ tainment committee. Rooms and breakfast can be secured in private homes in the city by writing to her and asking for reservations. Rev. E. T. Aldrich, 3116 Iola St„ Des Moines, is chairman of the general conference committee. This conference will be state-wide in character. Both the Iowa Chris­ tian Fundamentals Association, and the Des Moines Bible Association are actively co-operating. NOTES FROM IOWA CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALS ASSOCIATION The Des Moines Bible Association held a tbree-day Bible Conference in February in the First Evangelical Church of Des Moines. Max Wert­ heimer, of Ada, Ohio, converted rabbi, was the teacher. He used large charts of the Jewish Tabernacle and spoke on the Typical Teachings of the Taber­ nacle. Large crowds attended all the meetings. Bro. Wertheimer went on to Omaha for three days in the Gospel Tabernacle there. He has promised to return to Des Moines next Fall. In April another Bible Conference of two days duration was held in the Capitol Hill Christian Church. The speaker was Earl V. Pierce, pastor of Lake Harriet Baptist Church, Minne­ apolis, Minnesota. He spoke on Colosslans in the afternoons, and his ministry was along practical lines of Christian living. Very much needed in our days. . The first evening he

In order to introduce our Latest Model Liberty Pipe-Tone Folding Organs ¡either leatherette covered, or 3-ply oak case. We will accept for a limited time orders at $40.00 each (list price $70.00.) A. L. WHITS MFC. CO ._ 201 Englewood Sue., Chicago. II.

© lb , Harp attb S*rronb $anb U n o k a Emtrtht. Snlùanft Sought 3for THEOLOGICAL^BOOK«* A SPECIALTY C D / l D D E ' D ’ f i 513 Watkins S*. S r A K D E i H 9 Brooklyn, N. Y. THE HARVEST TRULY IS PLENTEOU8 In various parts of the world a Native Trainsd Christian may be supported in the work of Cod for an entire year for from $15. to »600. Literature and Service Free.

Sunday School Lesson Helps For the International Uniform S.S. Course THE “ CHRISTIAN LIFE" SERIES is a Scriptural, practical, and fundamentally sound aerie, of help, for Sunday Schools. A Full Line for all Grade.. Quarterlies and Papers. The Quarterlies are mines of Sound Exposition. The Papers are Christian and well illustrated. A Sample Pack FREE on Request. For the Whole Bible S. S. Course PRIMITIVE BIBLE SCHOOL QUARTERLY. Edited by Howard A. Banks. Spiritual comments for the Adults and the Children. B. B. U. LESSON LEAVES. Edited by T. T. Shields. One set of Leaves for Senior Classes and one set of Leaves for Junior and Primary Classes. Practical and Helpful. _____ _ Samples FREE on Request. UNION GOSPEL PRESS, Box 680, CLEVELAND, OHIO

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