King's Business - 1926-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June 1926

SUNRISE AT MIDNIGHT (Continued from page 322)

Helps for Vacation Bible School There is no longer any opportunity to flounder in conducting a daily vacation Bible School, neither is there any doubt of the manifold bene­ fits. W e list here some equipment which will make the D. V . B. S. a convenient success in your community. Announcement Poster Printed in colors— Size 14x22 inches, 35 cents each— Six for $1.50. Enrollment Cards— No. 392 3x5 inches— per 100, 75 cents. Attendance Cards— No. 391 3x5 inches— per 100, 75 cents. KINDERGARTEN COURSE (First Year) Text-book, price $3.00. Picture (Set of 24 ), price $1.25. Outfit consisting of text-book and pictures, price com­ plete $4.00. , (Second Year) Text-book, price $3.00. Picture (Set of 20 ), price $ 1.00. Outfit consisting of text-book and pictures. Price com­ plete $3.75. PRIMARY COURSE (First Year) Text-book, price $3.00. Pictures (set of 24), price $1.25. Poster and Sand-Tabie Cut-outs (set of 22), price $1.75. Primary Mounting-book (for pupil), price 20 cents. Outfit, consisting of text-book, picture set, cut-outs and one mounting-book, price complete $5.00. (Second Year) Text-book, price $3.00. Picture (set of 20 ), price $1.00. " Poster and Sand-Table Cut-outs (set of 6 ), price 50 cents. Primary Mounting-book (for pupil), price 20 cents. Outfit, consisting of text-book, picture set, cut-outs and one mounting book, price complete $4'00. * JUNIOR COURSE (First Year) Text-book, price $3.00. Picture (set of 24 ), price $ 1.25. Sand-Table, Cut-outs (set of 26), price $2.00. Pictures (small) for pupil's note-book, (yice, per set 10 cents. Outfit, consisting of text-book, picture set, cut-outs and one set small pictures, price complete $5.00. One complete outfit for three courses (first year) $14.00. (Second Year) Text-book, price $3.00. Pictures (set of 20), price $1.00. Sand-Table, Cut-outs (set of 6 ), price 50 cents. Pictures (small) for pupils' note-books, price per set 10 cents. Outfit, consisting of text-book, .picture set, cut-outs and one set small pictures, price complete $4.00. Bulletins (Set of 4 ) Price, per package, containing twenty-five each, $ 1.00- If money does not accompany order, aoode will be eent C. O. D. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B IO L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

He can never make a mistake; I know He never did, and never will. And so my life is being shaped by infinite power and infinite wisdom. I know that. But I know a better thing yet. For I know God’s char­ acter. I should be afraid of a God who had nothing but infinite power and infinite wisdom, but I know the char­ acter of God and I know He is love. And the God who is love, and who possesses infinite power and infinite wisdom', is taking care of me. If He sees fit to lead me down into the dark places, that is the very best thing that can hap­ pen to me. If He sees fit to have me make my bed in graveyards of lost- hopes and lost illusions, that is the best thing He can do for me. But I know the best thing of all, for I know God in Jesus Christ; and I can trust Jesus Christ with my soul; and I can look up off the operating table at Christ and say, “ I have not a doubt, or a fear, or a tremor, for I know it is all right because I know You.” Ah yes, I do know Him! For I know Christ, and I know God in Christ; and I know no evil can ever come to me from Christ who is God and the God who is Christ, on ocean or on shore. “ Thou shalt know hereafter.” . Holding the Nail-pierced Hand So I come to you this morning with this message that is seething hot out of my heart in order that you may learn to trust. Do not speculate too much. There has nothing good come of it so far as my experience goes. Do not try to understand before God gives the explanation. It is a waste of time and labor. Just learn to trust. That is why reli­ gion is so difficult to some people. For it is not natural to us. I remember when my children were small and I was away from home, I used to think that if I could only’ get home, tlfey could be saved by me if the house got on fire, or if a burglar entered, or if a deadly disease struck them. And it took me a long time before I could trust in God. Oh, this great fog bank of mystery surrounds us. And God help us if we are depending on the answers we get from the world to our poor questions. I do not know what is around that next turn in this wind­ ing trail of life; but I know this, whatever there is around that corner, I shall have my hand in another Hand when I go and face it. And if I feel a little bit disturbed, I shall move my finger around in the palm of that Hand till I find the scar, and then I shall know that Jesus Christ, who on the cross was wounded for my sins, is not going to leave me, no matter what corner I go around on the winding road of life. Now this is not philosophy. For the philosophies of the world would laugh at it. And this is not poetry. But this is prose done up in a drab color. Yet this is faith, trust, belief. It is saying the Breton prayer with a little addi­ tion— “ God, have pity on me, Thy sea is so big, And my boat is so small.” What is the addition to this? Ah, this— “ But I have got Christ on board this little boat, and I shall not drown till He does; and so whatever wreckage comes to me will come to Him.” “ Safe to the land, safe to the land, The end is this, And then with Him go hand in hand Far into bliss.” (Concluded on next page)

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