King's Business - 1926-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June 1926

natural body, It is raised a spiritual body; and that, as we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly; for, says St. Paul, “ this cor­ ruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality,” for Just as there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. I have an ordinary pocket knife with two steel blades. It is homely, dull, ordinary. It can do such things only as similar knives do. But I bring alongside of it another piece of steel, possessing magnetic properties, and the magnetic body is able to communicate to my old pocket knife its own mysterious properties. My old knife takes on a new char­ acter. It looks the same. It cuts the same. But it has a new quality communicated to it. It is itself magnetic. To change the figure— I bring a bit of radium alongside of some receptive bit of metal. It becomes radio-active. It Is still the same bit of metal. But through association or contact with the bit of radium it has acquired a new quality. In some sense it has become radium. Again I change the figure. I wish to manufacture a kit­ chen knife to make it rust-proof. I introduce into ordinary steel a constituent that gives it substantially rust-resisting qualities. It is like any other bit of steel. It sharpens in the same way and gets dull in the same way. But it has acquired some new quality which postpones its disintegra­ tion and decay. It’s life is enlarged. Into the physical life of some of His creatures, homely, dull, inefficient, inactive, rusty, our Lord has introduced the infinite magnetism, the radio-active personality, the eternal vitality, of Christ, and earthly life has taken on newness of life. The fusion is organic, the result is a new creation, possessing His character and His life. This new creation has His grave-breaking power and shares His resurrection. He says of Himself and of His: "J am the Resurrection and the Life, and he that believeth on me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And he that is alive and believeth on me shall never die The answers the Bible gives to all three questions open up to us the three major aspects of God as we understand Him. (1 ) With creative power He formed, out of nothing, the earth and the universe in which it speeds its constant orbit and gave them their almost incredible qualities. (2) With creative power He put life into the dust of the earth and gave mankind its extraordinary capacities— life, per­ sonality, will, conscience, a soul, fitness, in this mortal life, for this present world. (3 ) With creative power He gives to those men who will have them, the resurrection of the body, that newness of life which is His, and fitness for the future. It is all in the Bible, and no honest scientist will assert that facts disprove the Bible statements. “ D E F E N D T H E F A I T H ! “ “ I**‘ exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Jude 3. Nearly Three Thousand “ DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH“ invite you to join their ranks and help fight the ( destructive deniers of the Word of God. Enroll at once, and receive your “Ammunition“ for carrying on the battle in defense of the honor of our Lord, our homes and our children. Name........ ..........—........ — .....—— — —...... .............. ............. City and Street...------ ---- ------- ---- ----------------- ....................

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