King's Business - 1926-06

“IHappenedtopickitup" (so writes a Pennsylvania housewife, enclosing her subscription to The King s Business), “and was very much pleased with it. 1 want to subscribe for myself and two friends, so please send as soon as possible/' A California High School Student: "I happened to pick up a copy at my aunt s and found it was just the thing I needed." A New Subscriber from North Carolina: “A copy of The King's Business fell into my hands, Providentially. * * * Please see that it starts immediately and comes regularly."

W h y should your friends be denied the privilege o f membership in the K i n g ’ s Business Fam ily? Invite them to join t o d a y ?




to these new members o f our K . B. Family. Isn’t it fine that they happened to

become acquainted with the very mag­ azine they were n e e d i n g and

O U R S P E C I A L O F F E R : Here is an op­ portunity to serve the Lord, a n d a t t h e s a m e t i m e

wanting b u t didn’t k n o w where to find? B U T ,— would it n o t h a v e been g r e a t if t h e y had been introduced to it long before by some other member o f ‘ ‘O U R F AM I L Y ’ ’ ? T h e r e are hundreds and thousands o f

secure a splendid and helpful book. If you will send us five new subscriptions for 6 months trial, at 50c each, we will mail you a copy

o f “ SCR IPTURAL INSP IRATION vs. SCIENTIFIC IM AG IN AT IO N ” containing the following addresses by noted writers:

other fathers and mothers and young people and children who need and want T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S .

.............. Lewis Sperry Chafer, D. D. .................P rof. Robert Dick Wilson ................ ................ A . C . Dixon, D. D. ............................. Dr. L. W. Munhall .................................W . B. Riley, D. D. Clarence Edward Macartney, D. D. ...___________________ Sidney T . Smith ................................W . B. Hinson, D. D. .................................... F. W . Farr, D. D. ..... ...............Prof, Leander S. Keyser

Scriptural Teaching Concerning the Last Days.................. .... Eternal Testimony to the Old Testament.................................... The Whole Christ and the Whole Bible for the Whole World. The Bible and Science...................................................................... Is the Bible an Evolution or an Inspiration!................................ Nailing it to the Cross........................................................ The Layman’s Responsibility ......................................................... The Meaning, Menace and Misery of Modernism................. . The Origin and Growth of Modern Destructive Criticism---- Vulnerable Points in the Evolution Theory..............................

USE THE COUPON ON PAGE 368 AND DO IT NOW FOR THE NIGHT COMETH ! THE K ING ’ S BUSINESS “ The Bible FamOy Magasine” 536-558 SOUTH HOPE STREET (Published by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles) LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA

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