King's Business - 1926-06

June 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


TH E CLOUD OF GRIEF AN D TH E CLOUD OF G LO R Y Another faithful servant of the Lord has heard the call to companionship with Christ in the glory! Dr. Walter Benwell Hinson, Pastor of the East Side Baptist Church of Portland, Oregon, on April eighth laid down the commission which he had received from the Lord Jesus Christ to preach the Gospel, and went to receive from His pierced hand the crown of right­ eousness and take up his assigned place in the palace of the Kingf , We have had a spiritual touch with Dr. Hinson for many years, and loved him. He was loyal to his Lord; true to the truth of God’s Word; brave in the battle against the enemies of the Bible; considerate in his relation to the people of his church; sympathetic toward the sinner. He was a Bible man. In one of his sermons he paid this tribute to the Book of books: “ I have read It over and over until I must have worn out between ten and twenty copies of the Bible. I have inter­ lined it and annotated it, until some copies of the Bible l possess are almost useless to me, for I cannot read them. I have made use of it. I have believed all my life long that the Bible is the Book of God and that a man steps down when he preaches anything except the truth he finds in thit Book, and that what the Bible will not do we had better not attempt to have done. • "It has befriended me as has nothing else in this world. I have' known loneliness of some form or other nearly all my life. I have had to stand alone except for the sustenta- tion and solace of that Book. I have known despondency and weakness. Sometimes wonder has filled my mind as to what would happen next. But on oath I can say the Book has never failed me." Dr. Hinson was beloved of his people. For a long time his sermons have been published every week by his church, and thus he was able to broadcast his mes­ sage throughout this and other lands. When we think of him now we turn our eyes Heaven­ ward. He is there! And then, with multitudes of others, we can look forward— as he did— to the “ day of all days” when, in his resurrection body, he will join us in our resurreetion bodies and. together, we will be forever with the Lord. We extend our tenderest sympathy to his family and to his church, and our prayer to our Lord is, “ Multiply his kind, for the church and the world need

investments in real estate or some other line which prove to be valueless, and millions of dollars are thus wasted every year,.. This is the history of the unfortun­ ate and oftentimes careless handling of funds in sec­ ular matters. Every Christian, then, should be wise enough and sensible enough to take every precaution, in investing the Lord’s portion, to make sure that it will be safely handled upon a Bible basis. If one is a child of God, through faith in the blood offering of Jesus Christ (and there is no other way of becoming a child of God),*then you are a “ Christ-one. No one can take from us our right or title to Heaven, and we cannot praise Him enough for this. But— our relation to Him is sacred and involves sacred obligations and service. We belong to Him. We are His own blood-bought loved ones and are subject to His holy laws. His Word admonishes us that we are responsible as His representatives and that He expects us to use the marvelous privileges bestowed upon us in wisdom’s way. Comparatively few Christians are careful in this respect. With some, any appeal that comes from pul­ pit or pew finds a careless and more or less generous response, and the amount thus given is charged against the Lord’s account, without ever having asked a ques­ tion about the validity j> i the investment or whether the money was to be used in the Name of the Virgin- born Christ or simply in the much used and abused name of * ‘ Christianity. ’ ’ Satan, of coursq, is on the job. He cannot rob us of our inalienable rights, to Heaven, but he can spoil our usefulness and divert our gifts to his own use. If you allow your contributions to be used to help support a Modernist minister or missionary, or any form of Mod­ ernistic propaganda, you play into Satan’s hands and he has the laugh on you. Now it is our business in putting the *‘ penny ” on the plate or in the basket to consecrate it to the Lord whom we are supposed to love, and we have not only the right, but the sacred obligation confronting us to know whether we are “ playing safe” or playing into Satan’s hands. Exercise your God-given rights, for you will be held accountable in glory and will be the poorer throughout eternity if you are careless in this respect. Be as “ wise as the serpent” and beat him at his own game.

such men.” IK m ill “ CHANNELS OF BLESSING” letter from them saying they were not for sale, but if I would give further in­ formation, they would see if they could not give me some. This I did, and they agreed to send many. All the glory belongs to God! He used me as a mouthpiece. “ O, that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the chil­ dren of men." This dear sister sends us the letter of appreciation from Mr. Otter in which he says: “ The literature and Testaments will be a blessing to many hungry souls. We desire that you would continue to remember ub in prayer to God daily. We have a great task here and it requires much prayer and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. These boys and girls come and go continually and our heart’s desire is

to see them brought into vital rela­ tionship with the Saviour." It is wonderful to see what God can do through a life if "there be first a willing mind.” We can every one be "channels of blessing” to a lost and needy world if we will but yield ourselves absolutely to Him for serv­ ice, and sincerely desire that He should have all the glory. “ Oh fill me with Thy fullness, Lord, Until my very heart o’erflow, In kindling thought and glowing word Thy lové to tell, Thy praise to show.” “ Oh use me, Lord, use even me, Just as Thou wilt, and when, and where ; Until Thy blessed face I see, Thy rest, Thy Joy, Thy glory share.”

Some, -time ago we received an ap­ peal from Rev. L. EJ. Otter, Chaplain in the Kentucky Houses of Reform, Greendale, Ky., for some free Gospel literature to use in his work with the five hundred boys and girls under his charge. This was printed in the De­ cember King’s Business, and was read by a member of “ The King’s Business Family” here in Los Angeles. The Lord burdened her heart to help supply this literature, but she was financially unable to meet the expense. However, "God’s biddings are al­ ways His enablings" and, as she her­ self tells the story, “ I went to work in a house almost immediately where I saw a copy of the New Testament given out by the Tithers’ Tract Society. I wrote for the price, but received a


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