Family Support Apoyo Familiar
Military Family Support / Apoyo para la Familia Militar Army Community Services Family Advocacy Program 2494 Ricker Rd. Ft. Bliss, TX 79916 (915) 568-9129
Education classes are provided and they vary with times and dates, each month: Marriage, Stress management, and Parenting. Individual must call to find out the times for the class.
Se ofrecen clases mensuales de educación: ya sea en el área matrimonial, manejo del estrés y de crianza de los hijos. Las personas Interesadas deben llamar para informarse de los horarios y días de clase.
Ft. Bliss MWR Program (Morale, Welfare and Recreation)
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) exists to enhance the quality of life, contribute to Army communities of excellence, enrich living and working environments, and foster a sense of community for Soldiers, family members, and civilians. As an integral part of military life, MWR provides Soldiers and their family members with many fitness, entertainment and family support outlets. Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) tiene el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida, contribuir con las comunidades del ejército, enriquecer ambientes de trabajo y de vida fomentando un sentido de comunidad para civiles, soldados y miembros de la familia. Como parte integral de la vida militar, MWR proporciona a soldados y sus familiares con programas de acondicionamiento físico, entretenimiento y de apoyo familiar.
Family Support / Apoyo Familiar
Office of Child Support Enforcement U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families A Handbook for Military Families: Helping You with Child Support
(800) 252-8014s TTY: (800) 735-2989
If you are a military family and you have child support questions, this is a new tool to help you.
Si usted pertenece a una familia de militares y tiene dudas sobre la manutención de menores, esto es una nueva herramienta que le puede ayudar.
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