Providence Life Services | Annual Report 2024

Joe has appreciated that Park Place of Elmhurst fit his and Barbara’s plans for retirement, and he con- tinues to feel the advantages of a continuum of care as his health and needs for assistance change. Out of gratitude, Joe has donated his estate to Provi- dence so that this ministry can continue to serve others for generations to come. He knows others will find what they’re looking for within the walls of Park Place, just as he has. For Joe, entertaining others has always been a source of joy, for not only him, but all of us who are blessed to be in his audience. Beth McGowan Welch, Execu- tive Director at Park Place of Elmhurst, echoes that

sentiment and the value that humor has brought to Joe’s life and those around him. “Joe has been such an important part of the Park Place of Elmhurst community,” she says. “He can always be counted on for his wit and charm. It’s difficult to leave Joe’s presence without a chuckle, which regularly lightens my day.” We are so thankful he picked up the accordion at age 13 and “never really put it down,” as he says. “One hundred and twenty buttons,” Joe says, “and I know ‘em all.”

2023 • Annual Report 7

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