King's Business - 1914-11

Bible Institute of Los Angeles

M ISS MABEL BARNHOUSE, form- engaged in special service in connec- erly one of our Bible women, is now tion with Mt. Hermon, California. Miss M arie C arter , while pursuing her last year’s course in the Institute, is serving as church, visitor for Immanuel Presbyterian Church of this city. M r . C hester W hite and Mr. Theodore Smith, two of our students, entered San Anselmo Theological Seminary this fall. W e are sure that these brethren will prove to be a blessing to their fellow students and help to promote an evangelistic spirit in the Seminary. Beginning with the January number, the King’s Business will be en­ larged and the price raised to one dollar a year. It is proposed to make the magazine better than ever in all departments and to add some new features. We are looking to our friendly subscribers to help build up a large constituency for the magazine and shall propose some plan for same in the De­ cember number. T he F all O pening . W e are agreeably .surprised by the large number of new stu­ dents presenting themselves for registration at the opening session. Fully seventy-five per cent of the old students were on hand and the class room was filled the first day of school. The conditions growing out of the war hindered some accepted students from coming, but they fully expect to enter in the near future. A great and good year is before us and Doctor Torrey and the fac­ ulty are happily engaged in seeking to make this the best in the history of our school life. T he B ook R oom . It is not strange that we take such pleasure in our new book de­ partment. Every visitor expresses genuine surprise at its development and fine equip­ ment. We believe we are within the limit of truth when we say that we have the best N otice .

selected stock of books of a definitely evan­ gelical order, and which are true to the fun­ damental doctrines of the Word o f God, to be found in the country. T he B uildings . The Auditoriums are not yet completed. The day classes are held in the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the popular Friday evening classes in Immanuel Presbyterian Church, both of which are con­ veniently located. W e hope to have rooms for our class work by December. The two dormitories are now completed and the stu­ dents are greatly enjoying their new home life. A walk through the buildings brings many happy surprises. The beautiful dining room and the capacious kitchen, the laundry, the big presses and printing department and that beautiful Book Room, are all a pleas­ urable surprise to the visitors. T he S tudent S ocial . Mr. Lyman Stew­ art, the President o f the Institute, enter­ tained the students and workers of the In­ stitute at his home on the evening o f Octo­ ber 22. Over two hundred guests were pres­ ent. Mrs. Fred Stewart, the hostess, made all heartily welcome. There was an in­ formal program and a season o f real social fellowship was heartily enjoyed. Having a great variety of talent in the student body there is never any difficulty in arranging for an enjoyable evening. The closing moments were spent in re­ membering the Lord Jesus Christ in the communion service. Dr. Prichard admin­ istered the bread and Dr. Torrey the cup. These seasons of spiritual fellowship are greatly enjoyed by all the Institute family and Mr. Stewart is never so happy as when making this fellowship possible. O ur ministry of song has had little no­ tice here. We are preaching the gospel in song well and widely. Misses McClarcn and Ross have both contributed, and Mr. Peckham’s last chorus, for Galations 2 :20 ( “ I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in m e:

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