King's Business - 1914-11

638 number of fellows, as he did and show God’s dealing with him beforehand and His power to keep all those that put their trust in Him. A T ypical M eeting . One night a few days ago the S. S. “ Oristano”—the last from Antwerp—arrived. The workers went out to the dock but were led to go back again, having the conviction that it was not the time to board the ship. Outward circumstances seemed to favor a postpone­ ment of the meeting, though as a rule the workers board a ship and do personal work among the men off duty anyway. The next HE Bible woman who found herself an hour and a half too early for her en­ gagement wondered why she had been per­ mitted to make such a mistake, but while resting she was brought in contact with a very needy soul who had been long grop­ ing in darkness and she found His appoint­ ment was no mistake. Seed sowing under His direction can never be unfruitful and what seemed delay proved to be the best and most exact time. T he work in the new Normal building has so increased that the full power of mind and body of our worker is taxed to the limit. Our Lord is very gracious and defin­ ite things are being ' accomplished. No branch of the Bible women’s work needs prayer as this department needs it, and no work is so constant, continuous and inces­ sant. The hours are long—the work de­ mands the maximum of vital power—noth­ ing but prayer will accomplish her heart’s desire in beha'lf of the many students. F ive years ago the Word of God was given to a transient visitor of our city. The case seemed hopeless and the worker felt that the afternoon had been- fruitlessly spent. The woman dealt with was highly educated, able to speak fluently in several


night the way opened for a meeting in the forecastle of the English ship. The organ was set up, the place cleared of things in the way and a good impromptu song ser­ vice was held with a Gospel message fol­ lowing. The attention was good, the sing­ ing encouraging, and before we left two men signified their willingness to accept Christ. Both were young men. It was a real joy to give a message to men who showed every respect to God’s Word and his messengers and we look forward to more than two from that little gathering as we know He does use His Word and had hearts prepared for the message. languages, wealthy in this world’s goods and proportionately self-centered and an­ tagonistic. Altogether, nothing seemed to have been done. About two weeks ago this same woman called on the worker and tes­ tified to the power of the Word of God as it had been given in weakness, but in prayer­ ful faith. “Who knoweth which shall pros­ per, this or that?” A t the close of a lesson on sin, a stranger in the class exclaimed, “ O, do not stop there.” The teacher replied, “ Yes, we must. Next week we will have the remedy.” She seemed so evidently distressed that we sought her out at the close of the lesson. The first thing she said was, “ But I may not be here next week.” The remedy for sin was carefully explained and when asked if she would accept the Lord, she said, with tears running down her face that had been all smiles, “Yes, indeed! It seems so plain.” Turning to her friend she added, “ You know I told you that I just had to come to this meeting.” Her prayer of gratitude showed plainly that life had been given to her from above.

The Bible Women’s Work Mrs. T. C. Horton, Superintendent

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tjaròctt trot gotte Ijaarta.--ijah. 4 : 7 ,

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