King's Business - 1914-11

CATALOG OF BE ST BOOKLETS AND TRACTS To be Obtained at the B io la Book Room Of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles Sent Prepaid on Receipt of List Price.

Theater the Seminary of Vice. John J. Scruby ____ ______ ______ .05 fessing Christians. G. C. Beach .03 H erod’s Ball-room. Horatius Bonar .05 Larger edition ..................................10 The Dance Shown Up; or, Your Church Is Opposed to Dancing. J. B. Culpepper ______...__ .10 Should Christians Dance? John H. Elliott ...................................... .10 Should Church Members Dance? The Christian Attitude Toward Amusements. John H. Elliott.. .10 The Secret Language of a Deck of Cards, and the Dance of Death. Tilman Hobson __.....L.;........ 10 Social Gambling. Thomas Parry...... .10 Sexual E thics T o Men Only. J. B. Culpepper..,..........10 L. L. Pickett says: “ This book handles a delicate subject del­ icately.” Social E thics— D ress An Eighth Wonder. Robert T. Grant .01 T em perance In toxicatin g D rinks Best Temperance Songs. Compiled by W . E. Biederwolf and J. Gil- christ Lawson. Musical Editors: B. D. Ackley and Th oro Harris.. .10 100 for — I ______...... 6.00 The Bible and Temperance; or Christ on Trial. Earle William Gage, with extracts from Moses Stuart, J. Gilchrist Lawson, Mar­ tin Luther, Theodore Roosevelt, and others ........................... ,.,.i;vL.... .10 Prohibition Lectures. G. H. Worthen .25 Fun, wit and facts. Statistics, experiences and valuable infor­ mation to all lovers of the great temperance reform movement. Should I Dance? Thoughts for P ro­


T h e B o y P roblem A Boy at Fifteen. B. McCall Bar­ bour |ji._________— ..........................$ -05 M em ory Plan of Memorizing the Scriptures for Sabbath-Schools. James A. W orden 4, _______ .......:L.....— .05 Conscience A Good Conscience: H ow Obtained and Retained in the Sight of God and Man. John R. Caldwell....;. .05 P eace and W a r The Peace Conference and the Bible; or, Is W orld-w ide Peace a Rea­ sonable Hope or a Delusion? C. C. C o o k ____ ;.___;................... .05 E thics o f Am usem ents The Christian and Amusements: Is Dancing Sinful? Is Card-play­ ing W rong? Is Theater-going • Harmful? William Edward Bie- derwolf ............. .............................. .15 The Devil’s Mission of Amusement: A Protest. Archibald C. Brown .03 Popular Amusements. Herrick John­ son ......................... —................. —— - -01 Ecclesiastical Amusements. E. P. Marvin ...... ... ....:.L:,.&... .10 One Dozen and One Facts Concern­ ing Dancing, Card Playing and Theatre Going. L. W . Munhall.. .01 Shall I? (Dance, Play Cards, and Go to the Theatre) Harold F. Sayles ................................L ..................IS Should I Attend the Theatre? Thoughts for Professing Chris­ tians. G. C. Beach.... JapÎ;...................03 The Christian and the Theater. Charles A. Blanchard. 100 for 40c; 12 for....... J.............— ....................06 Confessions of an Actress. The

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