King's Business - 1914-11



The Four Living Creatures and the Wheels Within a Wheel. Wm . M. Horsey. (Ezek. I and X ; Rev. IV , V . V I):..........................15 Commentaries on Daniel Daniel the Prophet.William Kelly.. .10 Discipleship in an Evil Day. C. H. Mackintosh ............................ 03 The Prophecy of Daniel. L W . Mun- h a ll............. 05 Commentary on Habakkuk Practical Thoughts on the Prophecy of Habakkuk. H.A. Ironside......... 05 New Testament The Old Man and the New Man. Walter S c o t t ............L L P .-..:.............05 The Ministries o f Peter, of John, and of Paul. A. E. B. -IS A Harmony of the Four Gospels Revere Franklin Weidner.................05 Inductive Bible Studies: Mark, Acts, Philippians. W . G. Ballantine.. .10 Questions on Inductive Bible Studies. W . G. Ballantine................. 10 Analysis o f Matthew The Gospel of Matthew. A C. Gae- b elein .... .............................................. .20 Commentary on Matthew Studies in the Gospel by Matthew. William R. Newell.............. JSfe.... .25 Luke A Wonderful Reception: T o Whom Was It Given? Bible. Luke, Chap. XV . 100 for.ii?........,.............20 Analysis o f Luke The Gospel o f Luke. A. C. Gaebe- lein ............... » .20 Commentaries on Luke A Message to You. O. H. Anderson .05 “ Shew Me a Penny.” Alfred Page. Luke X X . 19-26).......... .?.... .10 Studies in the Gospel of Luke. R ob­ ert E. Speer .....___ ....______ ; Martha and Mary. Otto Stockmayer. (Luke X. 38-42)........,......... ....... .02 John W hy Graft? or, H ow Are W ild Trees Made to Yield Good Fruit? Bible. John, Chap. III. 100 for .20 Comm entaries on John Alone W ith Jesus. •P. J. L. (John I IX ) ..... ■ ■ ■ I ______ _______ .02 Thoughts on John X V II. C. C. Mur­ ray __ ...___ _ .os Studies in the Gospel by John. W il­ liam R. Newell...... ..............................15

“Much Fruit.” The Story of a Grain The Gospel by John. W ilbert W .

of Wheat. Mrs. Penn-Lewis...... .10 White ..................................................... 15 Commentaries on Acts

God’s Message of Peace to Man. H o- ratius Bonar. Acts X :36......... Christian Testimony. Lessons from First Century Christians for Twentieth Century Men, based on The Acts. Frederic S. Good­ man ...— ------------- ,L.................. .15 Pentecost and After. W . H oste..... .10 Miracles Studies in the Miracles o f Jesus. W il­ liam H. Sallmon............................. .20 Parables Picture Sermons o f Christ: A Com­ plete Collection of Christ’s Par­ ables. Bible ....__...__......pp.:..... .05 The Spiritual Significance of Leaven. J. R. Caldwell .iK....... ..iLL...:............ 10 The Parable of the Leaven. Joshua Donovan .„y...,.,..;:.__.10 Our L ord’s Parables. W . W . Fere- day .. ...ppp.. ........ :..j: .20 The Seven Parables (Matt. X III). A. C. Gaebelein ............. 10 The Parable of the Mustard Seed. R. Govett — 38Bp8BL-.:-..: .15 W h o Are the Foolish Virgins? R ob­ ert F. Grant .... ..L........___ ........... .02 The Parable o f the Leaven. Mrs. George C. N eedham ........................... 02 The Lost Sheep. The Lost Coin. The Lost Son. W . R. Nichol­ son .... a........:......................L;....-..,.)xL, .10 Studies in the Parables of Jesus. W il­ liam H. Sallmon................. 15 Lord’s Prayer “ Our Father.” Otto Stockmayer...... .06 Romans T o the Church at Rome. A Letter by Paul, the Apostle. Bible..... .05 Commentaries on Romans The Doctrine of Identification. (R o ­ mans V I) ....(pi,............,................. .03 What W e Have and What W e Hope For. Mrs. M. Baxter. Rom. VIII:14-28 ........ 02 Readings on the Epistle to the R o­ mans. C. Crain ...... ,....L..________ 20 The Old Man and the New. J. N. Darby ......................................................03 Romans V II, V III. J. N. Darby...... .07 God’s Salvation as Set Forth in the Epistle to the Romans. John


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