King's Business - 1914-11



Seven Golden, Lampstands. A. W . P. Strong ............................. Present-Day Christianity: What Is It? Whither Is It Going? The L ord’s Reply. (Rev. II, III), D O C TR IN A L The Greater Points of Christian Truth _sjL..............................................05 Counter Truths of Scripture.....................04 God’s Call to His People. E. S, L y ­ man ......................................~.................10 Truth for You. J. H. SammisBHiji .10 Truth Which Affects You from the Sacred Scriptures................................. 05 God the Son, Redeemer Jesus Christ God and Saviour. (P r e -. face, followed by carefully ar­ ranged Scripture) ................................10 The Divinity of Christ. John R. Caldwell ...................... 03 100 Incontrovertible Arguments for Believing in the Deity of Christ. Samuel Greene ...................... The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, and Its Relation to Practical Life. Robert M cMurdo... ......... .10 God the H oly Spirit, Sanctifier The Baptism of the Spirit....................... 01 Have Ye Received the H oly Ghost? W . Barker ....... .............................. .04 Enduement- W ith Power. W . E. Boardman ...,...::.LLLLL:.:,- u ..............02 The Baptism of the H oly Ghost: The Essential Preparation for All Christian W ork. Barclay F. Buxton .............¿14---............................ *10 Three Spiritual Laws. Francis De Sales ..JgR:........................-...... ----- -10 The Third Person. E. R. Drake.............15 The Heavenly Guest: The H oly Spirit. A. C. Gaebelein......,............. 05 When Is the Believer Sealed? R ob­ ert T. Grant ....................................... 01 The Spirit of Life. J. Stuart H ol­ den —- .......... ........a......................- .05 The Coming of the Com forter; or, Varied Aspects and Characteris­ tics of the Day of Pentecost. W . Hoste ........LLfcj::...... „.MKLgl —u .10 H ow to Walk “ After the Spirit.” Mrs. Penn-Lewis ................................. 03 The Unoffended Spirit. Mrs. Penn- Lewis ......................................................02 The Manifold Ministry of the H oly Spirit. A. W . Pitzer..!......................05 The Com fort of the H oly Ghost. Augustus B. Prichard.........................02 A simple presentation of a most precious truth. J. T. Urquhart ..................................... 05

Grieving the Spirit.

Robert F.


.05 kinson .... &l|........2h...........-áil..,............15 Divine Providence Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom. T. Duffield........ ................ 15 “ The Ways of God W ith Man.” W . W . Fereday ................................ .05 Christology Jesus and the Little Child...............L ’ .05 “ Him.” B. McCall Barbour............... .03 A valuable commentary on “ That I May Know Him.” Christ , the Cleanser. Horatius Bo- nar ....................................... The Sin-Bearer. Horatius Bonar...........05 What Christ Did. H. D. Brown__ ... .05 A brief examination of the book entitled: “ In His Steps; or What W ould Jesus D o?” The Beauty and Love of Christ. J. H. Burridge Christ; or, W orld - Reformation, Which? J. R. Caldwell................ .02 The Intercession of Christ. J. N. Darby ............................................... .05 The Genealogy of Jesus Christ. A. C. Gaebelein : .01 The Witness of Arithmetic to Christ. F. W . Grant ....................... 10 Sample ....................................... . A message to the -thoughtful. Plain Papers on the H oly Spirit. C. I. Scofield ......... .......A¿......................IS Spirit Filled. A. B. Simpson........... . .05 H ow Do W e Receive the H oly Spirit? O tto Stockmayer.....,.’......... 08 Apollos the Orator and the H oly Spirit. William Thom son.... ............10 The W onders of Radium. William Thomson .............JL: .05 The Baptism W ith the H oly Spirit. R. A. Torrey..................................:iá¡ .01 12 for ...... ............................ .......L... .10 The H oly Spirit in Personal Expe­ rience. R. A. T orrey..... ................ .03 H ow Can I Know That I Am Led by the H oly Spirit? R. A. T or­ rey ..... ,,S5.......,..„.............. oi Back to Pentecost. A. Gregory W il­ .05



The Saviour and the Bible. What Use Did Our Lord Make o f the Old Testament? A. B. Hutch­ inson .............................. The Tw o Genealogies o f the Lord Jesus Christ Explained. An­ thony Jobson ...................... The Advocacy of Christ: A Lecture on I John 11:1, 2. William K elly ...... J | .................................. The Ministry of Christ: Past, Pres-




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