King's Business - 1914-11





Cyrus E. Brooks........................— -10 Bible Reading on the Second Coming of Christ. James H. Brookes. 12 f o r '4 ^ ..... - - - .......... . . . ................................-50 The Coming King. J. W . Browning .05 The Midnight Cry; or, The Hope of the Church of God. A. H. Bur­ ton ....— ILL.........|l|.....- ....................03 Christ’s Return; or, The Key to Prophecy and Providence. St. Clement ............ -............-..........-...........25 The Story of Christ’s Return. I. M. Condit .................................. A lucid and comprehensive brief statement. Bible Outlines on the Second Com­ ing. Charles C. Cook.........................05 A Waiting Bride. Thomas Chalmers Easton ..................................... The Return of Christ. W . J. Erd- man — —....... Wi ...........—.......................15 What Is the Lord’s Coming? Fred Erdman ...................-.......-...................... 10 The Glorious Appearing. H. W . Figgis ..........................-.........-................ 10 That Blessed H ope;and, The Glo­ rious Appearing. (Titus 11:13). John Fort -............................................ -10 If Christ Should Not Return—What? A. C. Gaebelein .1........— -¿KfeL. -03 The Hope of the Morning Star, with a Review of Objections to An Immediate Expectation of the Coming of the Lord and the Taking Away of the Saints to Meet Him Before the Closing Tribulation. F. W . Grant............ They That Are Christ’s at His Com­ ing. Robert T. Grant....... ...... ¿¡&M Bringing Back the King. Ada R. Habershon .................................... - The H istory of the Doctrine of Our L ord’s Return. I. M. Halde- man ...:— ........................... ----- The “ Imminent” Coming of Christ. I. M. Haldeman ....................-4:--.,»’ Is It Due to Demoniac Delusion? F. C. Jennings — —— — A discussion of the accusation that those who believe in the im­ minent com ing o f Christ are un­ der the power of a religious de­ lusion. A Few Thoughts on the Difference Between H olding Pre-Millennial Doctrine and Waiting for the Son. C H. Mackintosh.......—- —- Papers on the Lord’s Coming. C. H. Mackintosh ..,....,5...— .........— The Believers’ H ope; or, Christ Coming for His People. F. E. .01 -°8 100 for

.10 A plea for faith in the pre-mil- lennial advent of the Lord Jesus Christ.. . . From the Rapture to the Manifest­ ation. Alfred Page......20 The Practical Value of “ The Blessed The Second Coming o f Christ. G eorge. Muller — .................. W ill Jesus Come Again? Geo. C. Needham and Elizabeth A. Needham ... ........................„..,.>..1..,., ; .10 ‘‘Shall So Come.” John Overton..........05 03 Hope.” H. M. Parsons.......... — .05 3 for __ -.4'!— L.:—...................... .— -10 T. Pierson ................................ .25 ner Piper. 3 for................ —— - .05 12 for iV—M aaSMP ....................... 15 Behold! He Cometh! Luther Rees .05 The Coming and the Kingdom. W il­ liam B. Riley ...................................25 “ The Return and the Resurrection.” William B. Riley .:............................... 12 The Last Days. Text-book on the Second Coming of Christ, and Events Which Shall Be Here­ after. John E. Rodd.........................05 Our L ord’s Coming. John E. R od d - .03 Looking For and Hasting Forward. A. B. S im pson ............- ......................... Q5 .15 What Good W ill It D o? A. Sims.......... 10 Thirty-six eminently practical .03 and blessed results which the hope and preaching of Christ’s return produces upon the heart and life. “ Com ing!” (Verses). F. H. Sloan.......... 01 •10 Sunset and Sunrise. G. S o l t a u . . . . .03 The Coming of the Lord. Charles •05 Stanley -j g » ''" -------— -— —— -01 The taking up of the Church; the •°5 judgments that will follow , and the millennium. The Second Com ing; being a Con­ cordance of New Testament Scriptures. J. Sterry.......................... .05 “ H e’s Coming To-m orrow .” Harriet Beecher Stowe. Boards.—..............15 A combination of fact and fancy. .01 Changed in a Moment and Every Eye Shall See Him. H. T .„...........10 .15 A dialogue on the Lord’s Coming. The Second Coming of Christ. R. A. Torrey —— - ...... :............ - 05 The Coming of the Lord. Arthur The Lord Is at Hand. William Ham- 15 Philip M au ro ...- L u ........ .......—. .10 N icol ....... ............— ——........- ..............03 12 for ..... — ........ 25 The Sign of the Prophet Jonah. The Hope of the Church. John Mc-

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