King's Business - 1914-11



The Lord’s Dealings with the Con­ A Testimony: Philip Mauro, Coun- The Experiences of a. Country Cu­ rate. R. Middleton ...... 500 Wonderful Conversions. Har­ old F. Sayles .................. My Personal Pentecost; or, The Night of Great Grace. Thomas C. Upham The Musical Miller. “ The Inside of the Cup” Examined. Charles C. Cook...................... Alice, a W aif of the Streets. M. B. Williams .......1........................... R eligious P oetry A Chalice of Song. Four-page leaf­ lets. 12 for ___1.............. No. 1. Step by Step. No. 2. “ My Grace Is Sufficient for Thee.” No. 3. Immanuel’s Land. No. 4. Desired Haven. No. 5. Weariness. No. 6. Jesus Only. No. 7. “ I Trust Thee in the Shadow.” • No. 8. The Lord Our Right­ eousness. No. 9. Looking Unto JesuS. No. 10. One Step More. No. 11. I Am Thine. No. 12. “Wait for the Promise of the Father.” The Church Walking with the De Lil Brack Sheep; and, The Ninety and Nine. 12 for........... . ....................02 The Kingdom Glory S o n g ........ ..............01 What W ill You D o W ithout Him? 12 f o r ...... .......:................................... .02 How Readest Thou? Sidney Col­ lett ..-.'..-‘--t.YsiL.--..-,....::............ :. ......:. .01 Precious Seed. George Legard.............05 The White Slave; Then and Now. George Legard .....................................05 Our M otto: “ Others.” C. D. Meigs. Cardboard ..................................... John Newton’s Confession. John Newton. Leaflet. 6 for.............. ,01 The Vision. Adelaide A. Pollard. (F or the Jews) .............. .10 The Cure for Trouble. The Right to Smile. My Creed. J. H. Sam- mis. Four-page leaflet'....... ...............01 Seven Golden Lampstands. A. W . P. Strong 05 10 05 W orld. 12 for.... .....iE;........................03 vict Daniel Mann. J. P. L ................05 sellor-at-Law. Philip Mauro...... .02 10 :.. .25 05 J. Jackson W ray ..................JKjL-:..— ...¿.i : . . . . . .05 Stories

Edward B ied erw olf.............................15 Spiritualism Forbidden of God. F. c . b . f . ' j ..............: .04 The Philosophy of Spiritualism. A r­ Modern Spiritualism Briefly Tested by Scripture. Algernon J. Pol­ lock ....................................A..,...............10 Spiritualism. W . B. Riley...................... -05 The Danger of Spiritualism. W . H. Seagram ....... 1..................»...sis.,,...:.. .05 Spiritualism Exposed. A. Sims.............15 Spiritualism, Frank Swainson.....:.......... 05 For Tongues-Movementists Spirit Manifestations and “ The Gift of Tongues.” Sir Robert Ander­ son ......... .05 Speaking in “ Tongues.” Robert Bax­ ter — ...... ................‘" ‘ I m S B The Strong Man Spoiled, as Shown by the “ Self-exposure of So- called ‘Pentecost’ Spirits.” Ada R. Habershon •;:.....,...i.C— .............. .05 Concerning Spiritual Gifts— Espe- , cially Tongues. Philip Mauro.........10 The Baptism of the Spirit: What Is It? and Speaking W ith Tongues: What Saith the Scrip­ tures? W . Graham Scroggie...........25 The Gift of Tongues. Otto Stock- mayer .......... .03 Is the Present Tongues Movement of God? R. A. Torrey................7 .02 Pentecost and Tongues. J. E. W olfe .25 F or Universalists Christ’s Exposure of the “ Larger Hope.”, "Archibald E. Glover...........03 Devotional Meditative Bible Study for Personal Spiritual Growth. John R. Mott.... ..................05 Miscellany Religious Stories, etc. Stories of Conversion From the Power of Satan to God.........02 Little Is Much When God Is In It. Mrs. Cyril Bird .................................. .10 From the Depths. A. V. Culver.... .05 A Hard Struggle and the Surrender. F. J. E ............ .05 H ow a Great Sinner Found a Great Savior. Augustine G. Hibbard.. .01 The Tramp W h o Became a Deacon. H. A. Ironside __............................... 02 Narrative of Andrew Dunn’s Con­ version by reading the New Testament. Judge Kelly...................05 thur W . Pink ........ .05



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