King's Business - 1914-11



You Heard? 100 fo r ._ _ ii._ _ ............25 .............05 Everyman’s Guide ......................................05 Fishin’ Jimmy’s Story.....................,...........02 A Flower Parable. 12 for......................... 03 Fortune Telling. 12|k-),W • .03 A General’s Story. 12 for....................... 10 God’s Purpose in Our Age.......................01 “ God Says I Am Saved.” 12 for..,.,.... .04 God’s Unfailing W ord ............................... 01 God’s W ord to You .....................................01 Good News for You...33L...1........ - •». .01 The Graphic Tw o-C olor Tracts. Each -------------------------------------- The Graphic Tracts. Assorted, 50 for 25c; each....... ?................... Hallo! Conductor! .....................................01 Happy Day Series.. 100 assorted.............20 Have You? ...............1...................................02 The Hill of Faith; and, The Road of Unbelief. (Illustrated tract)............ 02 H ow Are Your Sins Removed? 12 for .................................... H ow Can I Be Sure of Salvation? 100 f o r ............................ 20 H ow to Be a Prosperous Christian. 12 for ..— .05 100 f o r ....... .................................... . .30 I Am Not Going to a Christless Grave, Are You? 100 for......... . .25 The Light of the Gospel........................ .05 “ Make It So Plain That I Can Get Hold of It” __..................................... .01 The Marked Bible. 12 for.......................05 A Mighty W ork for God. (On the use o f tracts) ___ ...;............................. 05 The “ Must” for All Men...........................01 Not Very Good and Not Very Bad; or, the Middling Man.........................01 Never T o o Late, T om ........ :.......................01 The Old French Shoemaker. 100 for .20 On Which Side of the Line.......................01 The Only Tw o Religions. 100 for.... .95 The Only Way. 100 for 20c; 12 for.........03 Out of Bondage. 12 for..................1... .04 100 f o r ......... -w_~~..........-........................22 The Plea of a Prodigal Girl Before Suicide. 100 f o r ................................... 25 Pointed Placards. (Illustrated leaf­ lets). Each ......................................... 01 The R. R. Engineer’s Surprise. '12 for .03 100 for ....... 20 Remarkable Messages by Remark­ able Men. 16 in the series. Each .01 The Road to Success. 12 for...................06 100 for .................Lk..............................40 “ Short and Sharp” Series. Each...........01 The Skeptical Shoemaker....... ................. 01 Steps to and in the Blessed Life. 12 for ............................................................05 Everyman’s Guide to the Heights of Glory ..—

.02 The W orker’s D ream ^kk ik ................ !oi Alleine’s Alarm. Joseph Al'lein'e....!! !l0 A Message to You. O. H. Ander­ son )A.A......._.„..:............ 05 He Saw. I. Asher. 12 for.......................03 My Sumatanga. I. Asher 12 for...........03 The Man That Died for Me. A Story of a California Miner. Mrs? J. K. Barney. 100 for...........................25 Baxter’s Call to the Unconverted. Richard Baxter ............................ .10 Save Souls. Richard Baxter......!..!!..! !o3 The Peace of God Garrisoning the Heart. G. Fred Bergin. 12 for .10 The Spirit’s Sword. J. R. Beveridge .15 Believe and Live. Horatius Bonar.. .10 Know the Lord. Horatius Bonar........ 02 W ay of Peace. Horatius Bonar...... .10 The Emigration Movement. A. E. Booth .............„?|3L e '¿mMd ................... 01 The First Six Letters. A. E. Booth .01 Pardon, Peace and Certainty. J. H. Burridge .................. ...?kk.....................02 “ Neither.” D. D. C. ..................... 01 Christ: or World-Reformation: Which? J. R. Caldwell.......... .02 The W ay of Life Made Plain. N. H. Camp. 100 for.............................. .25 W inning One at a Time. Norman H. .Camp ................................................02 The Christian W orker in the inquiry Room . Geo. Clarke ........................... 15 The Repenting Sinner’s Reception. C. Crain ....... 02 God’s W recking Crew. J. B. Cul- p epp er® ..,....4 ^ ^P t^ ,...k .:........... .15 “ If That’s in the Bible, I’m L ost!” Geo. Cutting ......................... Safety, Certainty and Enjoyment. Geo. Cutting ................................. 02 Jesus Christ for Everybody. Theo. Cuyler .01 God’s Call, “ Come Thou,” “ Come Now.” Capt. Dawson.?.....,.... ;...........02 True Happiness. Capt. Dawson...........05 The W ay of Salvation. Capt. Daw­ son 05 What He Needed. H ow a Busy Man Found Rest. 12 for...................05 .01 .04 Story of an Artist’s Studio. 12 for.. .10 The Story of a Text.............. ..................01 Truth Which Affects You from the Sacred Scriptures ... ...... 05 What Awoke Them........ ............................ 01 What Is the End of Life? 12 for...!.. B3 What It Is 'N o tifie s * ...................... .01 What W ould Make You Happy? 12 f o r .... .......................................... .04 When I See the Blood I W ill Pass Over You. 12 for.................................05 “W onders May Be Done in the Name.” 12 for_3MMfc ...... V,........ .10


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