American Consequences - July 2020

I felt extra macho. The way people looked at me and deferred to me made me feel very powerful...And if I were a little bit of a sadistic asshole, I could see how I would really abuse that power. uniform, and walked around a town. And it was amazing how it affected me... I felt extra macho. The way people looked at me and deferred to me made me feel very powerful. the country, of people ordering mail-order uniforms and fake badges, and pretending to be cops and robbing people, raping women. And to illustrate it, because it’s television, I, of course, sent for the mail-order cop And if I were a little bit of a sadistic asshole, I could see how I would really abuse that power. So you got hundreds of thousands of cops... If only half or 1% of them is a sadistic jerk, that’s a lot of powerful sadistic people, or racist people, who will be doing a lot of nasty things. And since the police unions stop almost anybody from being fired, that’s dangerous. And so if you live in a Black community, you get hassled a lot. While it’s true that the cops don’t shoot Blacks more than whites, percentage-wise, they are statistically more likely to handcuff you, throw you up against a wall, and search you if you are Black. And just about every Black young person feels they have been unfairly stopped by the police at some point in their lives, and we white people rarely experience that.

worse, because the government over-shut it down? I think these riots are mostly about race, plus progressive bad media propaganda. Dan Ferris: Do you think we genuinely have a police racism problemwhere the police are targeting certain races? John Stossel: Most cops don’t, but a few cops do. And cops have a lot of power. I really noticed it doing a 2020 story on fake cops. There was an outbreak, in parts of


American Consequences


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