King's Business - 1965-10

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W hat L aw E nforcement O fficers S ay J E dgar H oover , FBI head: •“Most juvenile crime has its in­ ception in the dance hall, either pub­ lic or private.” Dr. Phelps, New Y ork P o lice Dept.: “ It is estimated that in New York City four thousand women are living the life of infamy, and that three fourths of these are started on their life of infamy through the dance.” Chicago Vice Commission Report: “Of three hundred prostitute girls asked, ‘What led you to go wrong, what led you to become such a sin­ ner, what led you to become what you are today, a scarlet woman?’ 85 per cent replied: ‘My first step wrong was caused by the dance.’ ” W hat P hysicians S ay Dr. E. S. Donners, eminent nerve specialist of Chicago and Los Ange­ les, said: “ I attack the modern dance as a reversion to savagery. As a medical man, I flatly charge that modem social dancing is funda­ mentally sinful and evil. I charge that dancing’s charm is based upon sex appeal. I charge that it is the most insidious of the maneuvers pre­ liminary to sex betrayal. It is noth­ ing more or less than damnable, dia­ bolical, animal, physical dissipation. Do brother and sister dance like that? Do father and daughter? Mother and son? The basic spell of the dance is the illicit physical con­ tact. I tell you frankly, it is not safe to subject even the strongest men and women to the subtle tempta­ tion of the dance. A trail of broken homes proves this!” Dr. Thomas C. Whitfield: “ The modern dance is condemned precisely at this point. It is not wrong solely because it might lead one to the phys­ ical act of fornication, but it is sin­ ful to the degree that it arouses un­ restrained desires that cannot be ful­ filled under present relations and conditions. When such desires are aroused, the dancing is within itself sinful because it is then a lascivious act.” Dr. Winfield Scott: “ All special­ ists in this field without a single ex­ ception, concur in the belief that the dance is a device of the devil.” Dr. Howard Crosby: “ The founda-

tion for the vast amount of domes­ tic m isery and domestic crime, which startles us often in its public out-croppings, was laid when par­ ents allowed the sacredness of their daughter’s person and the purity of their maiden instincts to be rudely shocked in the dance.” W hat E ducators S ay Professor W. C. Wilkerson of Chi­ cago University calls the modem dance “a system of means, contrived with more than human ingenuity, to excite the instinct of sex action.” Dr. Lita Hollingsworth, Professor of Education at Columbia Univer­ sity: (This quote is from an arti­ cle written by her as an attempt to defend the modern dance). “Dancing is an exciting and pleasurable recrea­ tion as it affords a partial satisfac­ tion to the sex impulse.” W hat a F ashion D esigner S ays Christian Dior, famous Paris de­ signer, said: “ For the first time I have done away with corsets, even for dance dresses. I have often heard men complain that in dancing they couldn’t feel a living form under women’s corsets.” W hat D ancing E xperts S ay T. A. Vogner, former supervisor of the Dancing Academy of Los Ange­ les and former president of Dancing Masters Association of the Pacific Coast, said: “No woman can waltz well and waltz virtuously.” Louis J. Guyon, owner and oper­ ator of the Paradise, one of Chi­ cago’s largest dance halls, said: “We know that sex is the strongest im­ pulse planted in the human race. You can just picture the effect on a boy or girl of 18 or 20 when this hun­ ger is keenest, when knowledge and experience are lacking in the forma­ tion of judgment, of one of these dances which calls for close bodily contact and frequently bring the cheeks together and entwine the limbs. Yet, we find thousands of boys and girls dancing this way who do not realize they are doing anything out of the way, and whose fool parents look on complacently. The form of dancing is a menace to the future of our nation.” It is our hope and prayer that this will serve the purpose of awakening some who are asleep as to the terri­ ble consequences of the modern dance.

Should Christians Dance?



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