King's Business - 1965-10


Under date ol March 4 , 1 0 0 4 , our Managing Editor received the following letter from a read­ er in Toledo, Oregon: "Dear Mr. Sanders, Can you help me? I need some infor­ mation about the television program, FAITH FOR TODAY. I have completed seven lessons on their Bible Correspond­ ence course which they offered. I have just begun to read Dr. Louis T. Talbot's booklet published in 1957 en­ titled, 'What's Wrong with Jehovah's W it­ nesses?' On page 18 he discusses their claim that Jesus existed as a spirit being before he was made flesh and that his name was Michael. This sounds to me just

what the Bible Lesson No. 3 that FAITH FOR TODAY puts out claim. Are they Jehovah's Witnesses? Enclosed is the lesson sheet, test quiz and the letter answering my question on this subject that I received from them. I only recently sent for a junior cor­ respondence course for my nine-year-old son, so you must see how terribly impor­ tant it is that I know if this is put out by that sect. Please help me, if you can. If this is put out by Jehovah's Witnesses, I can't begin to tell you how thankful I am for your Dr. Talbot.

by Betty Bruechert

I N reply , we hasten to inform Mrs. Parks that while this literature was not from the Jehovah’s Wit­ nesses, whose teaching on Michael it did indeed resemble, it was from the Seventh-day Adventists, who, char­ acteristically, do not identify them­ selves in the Bible courses offered to listeners of their radio broadcast. The question is often asked: “ How much alike are Jehovah’s Witnesses and Seventh-day Adventists?” Their teaching is similar in some as, for instance, the denial o f a lit- eral, everlasting hell (as taught by Christ Himself) and in the belief in soul-sleeping and annihilation, which it is said the Jehovah’s Witnesses borrowed from the Seventh-day Ad­ ventists. Evidently the Witnesses al­ so borrowed the teaching about Michael from the Adventists. How­ ever, the Witnesses carried it far­ ther, calling Christ a “ created an­ gel.” The Adventists do not deny the Trinity (as JWs do) nor are they anti-government and anti-organized religion (as are the JWs) although they do believe themselves to be “ the Remnant Church” and that all other “ Sunday-keeping” churches are apos­ tate. Recently an Adventist writer explained in the SDA trade paper, (Review and Herald of 4-9-64) that a splinter group of the Millerite movement, called the Second Adven­ tists, and headed by an N. H. Bar- bour, eventually had linked up with Russell and his followers, but not the SDAs. Now in regard to the archangel Michael: the similarity of the teach­ ing o f the SDAs and JWs on this subject lies in the fact that both insist upon the strange interpreta­ tion that the Michael archangel was

Thanking you for your time. Sincerely, Mrs. Betty Parks




Above is the photostatic copy of the letter Mrs. Parks received from the F A I T H FOR T O D A Y broadcast director.




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