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W HAT IS LIFE ALL ABOUT? It seems purposeless to me,” was the statement of a young woman to a counselor. She continued, “We study long and hard for an education, get a job and work or get married, grow old, too old to do much, live on for a while, and then it is all over.” To be realistic, this is the outlook for peo ple who have not received Christ as their Saviour and have not en tered on the great adventure of the Christian life. Many seem quite satisfied to take life just as it comes, but for all there are moments of disillusionment and misgiving. Plans didn’t work out as expected. The promotion of the job didn’t materialize; there was a slump in the stock market; business became slack and men were out of employment. There were family mis understandings and the dream bub ble of a happy married life burst in a divorce court. “What is it all about?” is the perplexing question in the face of these disappointments. “What is it all about?” Have you an adequate satisfying answer for an enthusiastic, energetic young per son looking ahead for success and fulfillment; for a busy, successful adult, steadily advancing on the ladder to achievement in secular life; for the person who has seen his dream castle become a pile of rubble? To a Christian, the great purpose of life is to know Christ and live in His will. Can you present this to anyone with sincerity and enthusi asm? God says to a young person: “Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” .He also warns in His Word, “ Seek the Lord while He may be found.” Jesus said “ Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His right eousness: and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matt. 6:33). Christians can offer to others a great purpose in life that will never end in disappointment and disillu sionment. Their search for a great purpose or goal will be satisfied. It will be a growing stimulation and sense of security as the years pass, adequate for every condition and situation in life. This is God’s pur pose for living.
"THE CHRIST" by Richard Hook A magnificent representation of the dynamic personality of Christ. Illustrated by a master interpreter of the New Testament, these framed reproductions are life-like in their portrayal, and graphic in their simplicity. Available in several sizes and finishes. Prices from $1.25. Order 6800. 173/fe x 213/8" ................ $5.95 "COME UNTO ME" by Jerry Allison Full color reproduction of Jesus Christ with arms outstretched. A wonderful inspiration to all Christians. 7V2" x 9'/2" overall. Order 6821 Antiquegold-finishframe. ..2.00 Order 6811 White texturedframe...........1.25 BOOKS THANK YOU, GOD - Book of everyday prayers for children 5 to 8. Poems of thanks for the blessings of life. Attractively illus trated. Order 3243.......................................50* PICTURE STORY OF JESUS - A new book in picture strips, written and illustrated in dra matic style especially for children aged 8 to 14. Order 3088.......................................95* JOURNEYS WITH JESUS - a "Surprise Book" Fascinating stories about Jesus for Pre schoolers and Primary youngsters. Die-cut pages add surprises to the beautifully illus trated stories. Order 2977.....................................1.00 OPEN THE DOOR — a "Surprise Book" Cleverly designed hidden surprises add in terest and meaning to a teaching story of Christian living. Recommended for Pre schoolers and Primary youngsters. Order 3073..................................... 1.00 GIFT BOOKS "The Open Bible" — A young minister speaks to youngsters, aged 8 to 14. Simple and believable language explains the origin of the Bible. Order 2585.......................................35* "Exploring God's World" — A positive ap proach to the wonders and unknowns of the modern world, from outer space to ocean depths. Order 2586.......................................35* THE 23rd PSALM - A primary graded book in contemporary language to illustrate God's de votion to his children in the parable of the shepherd. Order 3244.......... 50*
CHRISTMAS The greatest of all
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