by Urie A. Bender A book on witnessing. Although message, method, and motiva tion are included in the content, the primary emphasis is upon the character of the witness. The Christian is a witness whether or not he wants to be one. Thus, he needs to cooperate with God in becoming the right kind of witness. The author presents that larger dimension of witnessing which fits naturally into everyday living. $ 3.00 HERAI.R PRESS Dept. KB Scottdale, Pa. 15683
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Q. Should the Old Testament war stories be studied by primaries? A. Although we firmly believe that all scripture is profitable for study (II Tim. 3:16, 17), yet it may be best to omit certain sections with young children. It all cannot be studied at once and we are going to have to be selective anyway so it may be well to put off the study of some sections until the child has matured. Most publishers of Sunday school literature realize this today and so use great care in the selection of material for young minds. Q. What is the proper role of a youth sponsor in his relation to the young people? A. An adult working with young people should seek with God’s help to find his proper role. He should be careful that he is not the chief, usurping all the leadership and con trol of the group. He should, on the other hand, be more than a chap eron, i.e., someone to accompany the group when they go out for a social or on Sunday night. His proper role is that of a coach, working with in dividuals in the group on a personal basis. He should work behind the scenes helping in planning, encour aging, participating and assisting, but never leading. In this way he will be building lives for God and His service. Q. Should promotion be based on age or school grade? A. Since not all children of the same age are able to achieve at the same level, it is generally safest to follow their school grade as a pretty fair indicator of their ability. For in stance, we can expect the child in first grade in school to have had some reading experience and, therefore, this gives us a standard of expecta tion within the Sunday school. Readers are invited to submit Questions for consideration.
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