King's Business - 1965-10


OVER 100,000 people from the United States and Canada will visit the Lands of the Bible in 1966. Discover how YOU can be one of them. Visit the lands of the Bible with people who know and love the Bible.

EXCITING AND IMAGINATIVE ITINERARY Depart New York, visit — ROME, ATHENS, CAIRO, MEMPHIS, LUXOR, THEBES, BEIRUT, TYRE, SIDON, SEREPTA, BYBLOS, BAALBEK, DAMASCUS, AMMAN, JERASH, JORDAN VALLEY, JERICHO, JERUSALEM, BETHLEHEM, HEBRON, PETRA (optional), SAMARIA, TIBERIAS, CANA, CAPERNAUM, SEA OF GALILEE, CEASAREA, NAZARETH, MT. CARMEL, HAIFFA TEL AVIV and many other significant places. Return to New York. OPTIONAL EXTENSIONS AND EX­ CURSIONS arranged at low additional trav­ el costs. TOUR LEADERS AND GROUP OR­ GANIZERS; Inquiries invited. Learn how you can organize your own group. EUROPE OUR CAMPUS, A Chris- Study Tour that may be taken for credit (up to 6 units), departs New York July 7. Amazingly low priced at only $1355.00 — 51 days, including break­ fast and dinner, plus excellent hotels. See historical spots of the renaissance and reformation. Dr. James 0. Henry Ph D., Chairman Social Sciences Divi­ sion, Biola College, Director.


LOW COST (NY to NY) Only $1255.00 Includes— 22 days, Deluxe and superior first class hotels; all meals, tips, sightseeing tours. PLUS these EXTRAS at no extra cost. A trip to Luxor, the "Valley of the Kings,” Air condi­ tioned transportation (wherever available), boat rides, on the Nile and Sea of Galilee, camel rides, and film for tour members at wholesale prices. INSTRUCTION A N D IN S P IR A ­ TION while you travel from outstanding Bible Teachers including Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson and others. A Christ-centered program with Christian friends. FIVE CONVENIENT DEPARTURE DATES Jet air travel via TWA American Flag Carrier and other I.A.T.A. carriers. March 21-June 6-August 1-October 10-0ctober 17. Early action will secure best departures and accommodations.

Send information about the following: □ Bible Land Tours □ Christian Study Tour (name).......................................... (address)........................................

Travel arrangements through UNUSUAL TOURS D ept. KB105

P.O. Box 5246, BUENA PARK, CALIF. Low Cost— Quality— Christian Tours


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