King's Business - 1965-10

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a message from the editor Ä

and Pakistan Christian Fellowship W ITNESSING in Colleges and Universities and conducting Bible Classes among the students. Member I.F.M.A. Write for free literature 107-K North Hale St., Wheaton, III. 60187



LEADERSHIP TRAINING made practical for the local church F R E E P A C K E T t e ll s h o w t o g e t s t a r t e d . S e n d f o r it t o d a y !

“THE TRAGEDY OF TAMPER ING WITH TRUTH” FTEN i t h a s been pointed out that when the great founda- tion doctrine o f the inspiration o f the Bible is repudiated, the inevitable result is a growing disregard for the other great doc­ trines o f our historic faith. This, in turn, will begin to produce warped and distorted views o f one’s whole manner o f life and weaken his convictions. Such doctrinal defection, with its re­ sultant lowering o f moral standards, has been revealed with an alarming rapidity in one o f the prominent theological seminaries o f the Pacific Coast area. (See King’s Business editorial August, 1965). The President o f the San Francisco Presbyterian Theologi­ cal Seminary was inducted into office in spite o f the fact that he disclaimed belief in the virgin birth o f Jesus Christ. O f course, unbelief in this area carries with it unbelief in the plenary, verbal inspiration o f the Scriptures because in a number o f places the virgin birth o f Christ is clearly stated either in prophecy or as an historical fact. Once an individual’s opinion is pitted against the full inspiration o f the Scriptures, he then begins to place his reason above God’s revelation, his own logic above the Logos, his ideas above the inspiration o f holy men o f old who spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. The inauguration o f the present president o f San Francisco Theological Seminary occurred just a few years ago. Already unspeakably vile practices are coun­ tenanced, if not encouraged, on the part o f administration, fa c ­ ulty and students connected with the seminary. The sin o f sodomy is condemned in the scriptures, especially the latter part o f the first chapter o f Romans, in the strongest possible language. Yet it is this very sin o f sodomy which is encouraged in the warmest possible terms by the seminary president himself. This word o f encouragement is in the lead article written by the president, which appears in the student-published magazine entitled, The Challenge. It reads: "While out scouting forbidden areas, why shouldn’t the Church reconnoiter what we still call perversions [homosexuality] and demand more careful definitive legal work there? The issue is involved in some censorship battles, and seems lately to complicate most police charges o f sexual criminality.

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