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But what is perverse? . . . Serious churchmen are way ahead o f the law on this, and maybe even outside the law. High time they took the lead in squaring the law with their own necessary action. . . .” In the concluding article o f the magazine, the state ment is made, " I t is presumed that the various Christian faiths are based on teachings o f a man called Jesus and referred to as the Christ. However, we find nowhere in His teachings a pro nouncement that homosexual acts are unnatural or wrong. . . . Would it not be better for society to encourage this [homosexual] relationship, if it is meaningful, rather than to condemn it? It would appear that our society would be less neurotic and more Christian, if this were the case.” One is at a complete loss to understand the thinking o f a so-called Christian educator who would dare to put his pusillani mous ponderings up against the "Thus saith the Lord” found clearly in the scriptures. We read in Romans 1:27-28, "Men . . . burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly. . . . And even as they did not like to retain God [or God’s truth] in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are loath some” (Amp . V e r .). T o think, that young men are being gradu ated from this theological seminary to go out into churches as pastors, Christian education directors and leaders to work with young people by the hundreds with this kind o f a philosophy o f life! I f Christian parents allow their young people to come under the influence o f seminary graduates where this unspeakably vile and vicious virus has been allowed to flourish, they have no one but themselves to blame if their young people become ensnared in this revolting practice. A t the close o f his indictment o f the pagan world for this particular sin, the H oly Spirit through the Apostle Paul stated: "Know ing the judgment o f God, that they which commit such things are worthy o f death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them” (Rom . 1:32). This is God’s estimate o f homosexuality and our civilization is running headlong into the judgment o f God for this sin. When the president o f the seminary was inaugurated, a feeble but futile protest went up from a pitifully small number o f Presbyterian clergymen who tried to stop his advancement into that office. The protest failed, o f course, and soon it died out completely. I f history repeats itself, we may expect there will be another feeble protest against this nefarious business being condoned by the seminary. But, apparently, it too will ultimately die down completely as have all other protests against the down ward doctrinal and now moral trend o f the church. It is to be expected there will be those who say, "Oh , we do not believe this at all, and certainly the rank and file o f Pres byterian clergymen and laity alike will have no part o f this sort o f thing.” The simple facts are that every member o f the de nomination, whether clergy or laity, is having a part either direct ly or indirectly in this whole sordid business. Even as modernism, (continued on page 33)
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