King's Business - 1965-10

, Sunday School Leaders:


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BAL WEEK As I was looking through the June, 1965 issue o f THE K ING ’S BUSI­ NESS my attention was attracted by the article entitled “ Bal Week” writ­ ten by Howard Whitaker. The lead picture shows a Campus Crusade work­ er supposedly dealing with another stu­ dent concerning the things o f Christ. The person who is being dealt with happens to be Robin Wainwright, a graduate o f Westmont College, a sec­ ond-year student at Fuller Theological Seminary, and a person who came to Bal Week on the staff o f Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship as the result of the challenge presented by the Urbana Missionary Convention. The reason fo r this confusion per­ haps stems from the different meth­ odologies used by Inter-Varsity and Campus Crusade in the work o f win­ ning students to Jesus Christ. How wonderful that the Spirit o f God is not limited to any one group or meth­ odology. The program which Inter- Varsity students f o l l o w e d during Easter week was to infiltrate the beaches (with swimming suits and sun­ tan oil) and to get other students in­ volved in small beach d i s c u s s i o n groups. Then at a prescribed time they invited their friends with whom they had become acquainted during the course o f the morning to a formal dis­ cussion which met at a beach umbrella. As one o f the discussion leaders I found this type of operation to be quite chal­ lenging. The purpose o f the Inter-Varsity program was twofold — to bring stu­ dents to a commitment to Jesus Christ and to set up natural conversational patterns by which students would learn how to carry on dialogue back at their own campuses. A fter all, a student can­ not use a survey or a questionnaire in his daily conversation with his fellow students. Once a survey has been used in a particular group it is difficult to use it again. In discussing the above though, one should not fail to understand that the job is so large that the effort can in­ clude a number o f organizations as well as methodologies. George Giacumakis, Jr., Assistant Professor of History, California State College, Fullerton, Calif. LIFT OUT SECTION I certainly enjoy THE K I N G ’S BUSINESS MAGAZINE , and pass each issue along to friends. Several times there have been articles I wanted to cut out and send to particular per­ sons, but didn’t want to destroy articles on the other side. It is a great help

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