Social Media Social media is a form of open communication that impacts on our professional and personal lives. Sites include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and many more. It is important that we use these forums in an appropriate and responsible manner. The following guidelines give a summary of the expected behavior of colleagues using these sites on behalf of Shangri-La or for personal use. • Always express ideas and opinions in a respectful manner • You must respect the privacy of other colleagues and guests. • Do not make offensive, objectionable, or inflammatory comments. • Do not discuss any work-related issues. These should be addressed internally and not posted on open communication channels that may be read by thousands of users. • Do not share any company confidential information. • Do not comment on rumors.
Policy Title: Social Media Policy
The Internet and social media have transformed the way the world communicates, connects, and works. To help our employees navigate this “always - on” world, we have updated our Social Media Guidelines. Whether accidental or intentional, inappropriate, or wrongful use of social media by Shangri- La Group’s employees, hotels, resorts, and other businesses can have damaging consequences to our corporate reputation and, in some cases, may be against the law or regulations where we do business. To avoid any problems or misunderstandings, the following Social Media Guidelines provide practical advice and guidance on how employees should conduct themselves online to protect our brands, corporate reputation, and data security.
These Guidelines apply to postings and comments on all forms of social media, including WeChat, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Weibo, Google+, Wikipedia, WhatsApp and Snapchat, and all other social networking sites, Internet postings, blogs, online forums, and new tools as they emerge.
Unless local laws and regulations require higher compliance standards than these Guidelines, the following principles and guidance will govern
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