Employee Handbook

If you fall sick or a public holiday fall during your annual leave you are not entitled to take additional leave.You may ask for your salary to be paid in advance of your leave. This is done in the system when requesting your leave. Your advance salary will, be available to collect 7 days before you go on leave. If you do not request salary in advance, your salary will be paid into your bank account on the usual date, regardless of your leave period.

Sick Leave If you are sick and cannot come to work, tell you manager as soon as possible but at least two hours in advance of your shift.

You need to visit a doctor and get a medical certificate in order to claim sick leave. Upon returning to work you must give the certificate to our hotel Nurse. If you do not produce a medical certificate, the absence will be counted as unpaid.

You are not entitled to any paid sick leave during the probationary period. You are entitled to the following amount of sick leave each anniversary year.

You are entitled to a sick leave of not more than 90 days per year, only after the end of probationary period. The 90 days’ sick leave can be continuous or intermittent, and the salary is paid as follows:

full pay for the first 15 days half pay for the next 30 days. no pay for the rest 45 days.

No sick leave will be paid if the illness is the direct result of the colleagues’ misconduct (such as consumption of alcohol or narcotic drugs).

Maternity Leave Maternity Leave is a period of absence from work granted to a mother before and after the birth of her child. Woman colleagues shall notify Human Resources about the pregnancy and expected date of birth as early as reasonably practical. This shall be a written notification accompanied with a medical certificate stipulating the expected childbirth from an approved physician. Woman colleagues are entitled to maternity leave with pay for a period of 60 days (45 days’ full pay and 15 days’ half pay) including the preceding and following period of her confinement. There is no qualifying service requirement, and the policy covers the case of stillborn babies and new-born deaths (miscarriages). In addition to the above, they are also entitled to 45 unpaid leave days if she suffers pregnancy-related illness. This period of leave shall not be included when calculating end of service gratuity.

During the 18 months following the colleague’s delivery of new -born baby, the nursing mother in addition to any prescribed rest period, be entitled to two (02) additional breaks

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