where counselling is required, the Counselling / Disciplinary Form is used to discuss and document the corrective action with the employee.
6.9 When the Counselling / Disciplinary Form is completed, the SL/SM/SSM/SE must hold a meeting with the employee concerned to advise him/her of the necessary corrective action required and obtain the employees commitment for improvement. All parties must then sign the form as approval. If the employee refuses to sign the form the supervisor must record the following statement: (Employee’s name) has been informed of the corrective behavior/disciplinary charges on (date and time). However, (Employee’s name) refused to sign in acknowledged thereof.”
This must be witnessed and signed by a member of the Human Resources Department of the minimum of a M1 status.
6.10 Upon completion of the meeting, a copy of the form is extended to the employee and the original is sent to the Human Resources Department together with all the pertinent documents to be filed in the employee’s personnel file.
6.11 Stage II of the process deals with more serious misconduct or repetitive minor infractions. The SM/SSM/SE shall carry out the preliminary investigation, write an Incident Report and discuss the infraction with the Human Resources Department. The SM/SSM/SE will initiate a letter stating the sequence of events/incidence that occurred which must be registered and verified by the Human Resources Department. The letter (“ letter of explanation ”) will inform the employee, that he/she is required to respond/explain in writing within two working days.
6.12 The SM/SSM/SE shall ensure that the employee acknowledges receipt of the letter by requesting the employee to sign on the file copy of the letter. If the employee refuses to acknowledge receipt by signing, the SM/SSM/SE must record the following:
“(Employee’s name) has been informed of an allegation on (date and time). However, (Employee’s name) refused to sign in acknowledgement thereof.”
This must be witnessed and signed by a member of the HRD of the minimum of a Level 3 status.
6.13 If no written explanation is received following the lapse of two working days, the SM/SSM/SE shall proceed with the next course of action after consultation with the HRD. 6.14 Upon receipt of the letter of explanation from the employee, the SM/SSM/SE shall determine the outcome of the investigation. If the Disciplinary Committee is satisfied with the explanation which absolves the employee, no further action is necessary. If the Disciplinary Committee finds that Disciplinary Action is appropriate, the Counselling//Disciplinary Action Form is to be completed.
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