NM Spring 2021 MADD Messenger

SPR I NG 2 0 2 1

VOL . 0 4


Preliminary data of impaired driving crashes produced by NMDOT are below. Both annual comparisons and the percentage of traffic fatalities caused by impaired driving create a clear picture of the 100% preventable crime of impaired driving. Over 55% of all traffic fatalities involved alcohol. These are not just numbers. Each number represents the human toll impaired driving has on our state. We will not stop until we have ZERO victims of drunk or drugged driving.

NMDOT preliminary data as of 4/05/2021

Power Talk 21

In observation of Alcohol Awareness Month in April and Teen Driver Safety Month in May, MADD has designated April 1 through May 31 as PowerTalk21® Season. This time of year presents multiple milestones such as prom, graduation and the start of summer break that may bring an increased presence of alcohol and other drugs for teens and young adults under 21. During this time, we are promoting our Power of Parents program and the importance of talking with youth early and often about the dangers of underaged drinking. We are also hosting a virtual Youth Advisory Board Open Forum to discuss topics surrounding underage drinking and making healthy choices. Join us for any of the free sessions below!

Youth Advisory Board

04/14 @ 2PM Facebook Live 04/19 @12PM Facebook Live

04/21 @ 5PM Contact us to RSVP and receive link

04/15 @ 2PM Facebook Live

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