... continued f rom cover
DEPLOY A NIGHTTIME RECALL CALLER STRATEGY. This is me being a broken record. But ... those members who’ve already heeded my urging to do this (without changing a single parameter) have been head-over-heels amazed with the crazy good results! Yep. Hire a "Night Recall Caller" (except during COVID-19, in which case, daytime, with the modified script on the members' website). This position is paid commission (plus a base guarantee, but ONLY in states requiring) and is only paid for patients they appoint and who actually show up: no less than four nights, four hours per night, 16 hours per week per doctor for a two-doctor practice, 30-plus hours of nighttime recall calling. Don't change a thing about this protocol. If it's done right, then the results will BLOW YOU AWAY. Visit UnderGround Team Training Toolkit 009, "How to Double Hygiene Recall." Ask your Personal Gems Concierge or Coach for help. MEET PROSPECTIVE NEW PATIENTS RIGHT WHERE THEY ARE. Create a robust presence on YouTube. SEIZE the role of local EXPERT by making your channel the place folks turn for dental health information. Then you and your team use every social media outlet available to share the videos and gain subscribers to your channel. Learn how to get the YouTube algorithm to kick in and suggest your videos on channel pages, browse, and local search. Much more about how to dominate your local market on YouTube is coming soon from Planet Gems. MARKET IN A VACUUM. When we are given the “all-clear” to return to work, those who invest the time, money, and effort to market for new patients will likely enjoy a decreased acquisition cost per new patient and potentially increased results. Why? Because most of our colleagues (and local businesses in general) won’t be turning up their marketing, and as a result, for some time to come, ad costs will stay flat or may even go down. Just a short list (by no means all-inclusive) of some of the things I’d be preparing right now to deploy upon the all-clear would include YouTube videos (now and later),
EDDM (U.S. Postal Services Every Door Direct Mail), Facebook groups, Facebook ads, Google Pay per click ads, radio ads (yes, very powerful if done right), street fairs, and more. Speak with your Personal Gems Concierge and/or coach for help in preparing to launch a robust multifaceted back-to-work new patient ad campaign.
" You can take action or make excuses … but the two cannot coexist."
During this training, you’ll discover my “3 Rules When Seeing a New Patient.” These rules go against pretty much everything we’ve been taught in dental school and continuing education courses. These three rules are patient -centric. Following this Team Training Toolkit, you’ll understand how you can ethically accommodate your new patients’ needs and desires. When you do, you will retain a far higher percentage of your new patients than ever before. CONSIDER MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS. You might be thinking, "Tom, are you nuts? You’d consider buying practices to merge into your own during the worst financial times we’ve ever faced?" Possibly. Speak with AFTCO (email me if you want an introduction to the owner) and let them know you want to buy small local practices that are having trouble selling. If you are willing to execute the steps outlined on this checklist (and more) to accommodate patients, then you'll be in an amazing position for local acquisitions. GIVE THE DOCTOR’S CELL NUMBER TO EVERY PATIENT. It should NOT be printed on your business card. Doctor, in front of the patient, handwrite your cell number on the back of your business card. It's important they feel you did this for them . Make them feel special. Let them know that in case of emergency, they should call you directly, no matter the day or hour. Most will never take advantage of you by calling your cell during odd hours. All will appreciate the personal touch and the wildcard in their wallet that if they needed help, they know they can count on you … especially after the crisis we’ve all just been through together.
distinguish between unemployed who have financial resources and those who lost their jobs and were already living hand-to-mouth, paycheck-to-paycheck. Let’s say your patient Bob is a local software engineer, an attorney, or a chiropractor who was making $100,000 per year and finds himself unemployed post-COVID-19. The fact that he’s out of a job for a few months doesn’t necessarily mean he has no financial resources. On the other hand, let’s say Mary is a single mother, sole supporter of herself and three kids, and works as a server in a local diner or register clerk at a grocery store. Being out of work for the next few months (even with unemployment) could put Mary in a position to make difficult choices for herself and her family. Before you return to practice, develop a plan for how you and your team will handle these patients. Remember, one of the steps we’ve covered was to CALL EVERY PATIENT. Find out how they are doing. How is their family? Then help them get back into your schedule. If Mary says she lost her job and is going to have to wait to schedule herself and her kids, this is the time to step up and offer the unexpected.
Continued on page 3 ...
"In 2020 and beyond, there is no excuse for us not to have our fingers on our dental practice KPIs."
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