
Nos Meilleurs Voeux! Our Best Wishes!

Five unique holiday gift-wrapping ideas

Wrapping Christmas presents often feels like a chore, but it doesn’t have to. With a little creativity, you can make gift- wrapping fun — not to mention cheaper and more eco-friendly. Here are a few gift-wrapping ideas to inspire you. 1. Use recycled materials as gift-wrap. Wrap your gifts in recycled household items such as old newspapers and ma- gazines, discarded maps, left over wallpaper and even gently worn clothes. With

3. Add natural materials as decorations. Try wrapping presents in brown Kraft paper, tying them with string and deco- rating the packages with sprigs of ever- green or dried flowers. If you’re decking your house with holly or other seasonal greenery, save some of the foliage to use as embellishments for your wrap- ped gifts.

4. Try using furoshiki. Wrapping presents in patterned fabric, or furoshiki, is a Ja- panese practice that offers an estheti- cally pleasing and eco-friendly alterna- tive to wrapping paper. Fabric can be reused year after year so you don’t need to buy, and throw away, copious amounts of wrapping paper each holi- day season.

5. Have your kids design the paper. Have your kids decorate large pieces of thin, white paper to use for wrapping pres- ents. The personalized drawings by your children will make the presents that you gift to your family members that much more meaningful.

some extra effort, your pres- ents will look just as beauti- ful and far more interesting than if they were wrapped in plain old store-bought paper. sleek, stylish look, consider using shades of the same hue for wrapping paper, rib- bon and gift bags. Or, choose two or three colours to theme your gift-wrapping around (pick a combo other than red and green).

2. Go monochrome. For a

13650 County Rd. 13, Morewood 613-448-2739 • 1-800-426-4087 Joyeux Noël Merry Christmas


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publique De la Rivière Castor

Portes ouvertes Le mercredi 13 février 2019

École élémentaire publique De la Rivière Castor 100, rue Maheu, Ottawa ON K0A 1W0 T 613-443-2226 |


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