The 10 Most Common Questions People Ask When Looking For A …

Q7: “I’m in my 40’s and 50’s and things seem to be popping, clicking, aching and I just have random pains all the time. I’ve been told this is normal and I need to just learn to live with it, does that sound right?” A: While this is a commonly held belief of many patients, and unfortunately even in certain medical circles, we do not believe this to be true. Your body is an amazing creation full of self-healing potential. It will send warning signs and speak softly to you about changes you need to make; but if you ignore it, it will get your attention through producing pain. Yes, it is normal for your body to change over time, including normal degenerative changes; however, resolving to stay active and healthy is the only way to ensure you do not end up in chronic pain. Most joint problems begin with warning signs like the “clicks and cracks” you’ve been hearing. That means you are a perfect candidate to address the issues causing these noises BEFORE they become very painful and functionally limiting. Your Doctor of Physical Therapy will work with you to develop a manual therapy and exercise prescription plan to restore range of motion, stabilize noisy joints, and strengthen your muscles to decrease the pressure through your joints preventing the “normal decline” many have come to accept. Take Away Summary: Heck no! Don’t allow other’s pessimistic attitude to determine your future. You can roll the years back and regain your former strength, activity level and active lifestyle with our help at Synergy.

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